Message 1 of 6

Norton anti virus

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So, today I have been officially told that I cannot install Norton anti virus into any device that has an earlier version than android 8.0 so my two tablets that are less than five years old are incapable of having the antivirus that comes with my 15 device promise! Where does that leave me? There must be hundreds of people in the same position as me. It worked fine on McAfee!

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Norton anti virus

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they just upped the recommanded via of android becuse everyone would have newer then 5 year old tablets i think McAfee is changing it soon it means the support for that verson is done when its over age and new onces are out they will maybe support them for max 6 or 5 years thats when the maker stops updateing them
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Message 3 of 6

Re: Norton anti virus

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But..... When I signed up for Halo there was nothing to say the fifteen devices had to be less than five years old. It is wrong to move the goal posts. What was good enough for McAfee should be continued by Norton. It is hardly my fault they changed providers!

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Norton anti virus

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"You can install BT Virus Protect on PCs, Macs, Android phones and tablets versions 8.x and above (not available on existing iOS devices)."

What is BT Virus Protect and how do I get it? | BT Help

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Norton anti virus

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you can put free verison of anti virus on tablets but paid onces like norton they do not support over 5 years old it depends on what you do on them you can get other protection norton does not save old versions to hold that old on there servers
i think 8.0 is like 3 or 4 years old i don't know how to get it on older version of 8.0 if you use tablets for moblie banking free onces can be use full but not as good as paided versions to be honstly say i did not use anti virus well over few years before i installed it on my moblie and tablet that is like over 2 years old
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Message 6 of 6

Re: Norton anti virus

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It may well say that now but I don't believe it said it when I first took out my contract. It was certainly working on Android 7 with McAfee. Goal posts moved.....

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