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Message 1 of 2

Trouble logging into “My Norton” account.

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I thought I would try the community first.

I managed to download the Norton “Device Security” and “Password Manager” ok and it is up and running. My problem now is the “My Norton” account won’t accept my user name or password.

After downloading the software I tried to log into the “My Norton” account using my BT Account holder email as my user name and password but it didn’t recognise it so I used my BT email login details instead (the user name is the same but different password), this was not excepted ether. I clicked on “I forgot password” and entered my BT email address as requested but nothing has come back.

I next tried to create a new account using my BT email address and creating a new password, when I tried to log on later it still said login user name or password not recognised.

Am I doing something wrong or should I contact Norton.

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Trouble logging into “My Norton” account.

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This morning (24/1/22) I tried to log into "My BT" but I got a message "Password not recognised, try again). After the third time of trying it locked me out for an hour. I know  the password is correct and I doubt I would type it wrong 3 times.

This afternoon (15.38) I tried again and on my first attempt I managed to log on, this made me think that BT were having problems this morning. with this in mind I opened my link to "My Norton" and put in my "My BT" email and password and it worked and opened my Norton account.

I guess BT may have been having some problems yesterday and this morning but for now all is well. 

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