Message 1 of 38

All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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Just clocked up 2 hours on the phone to BT - and a bonus 20mins earlier on hold which was cut off. 

Problem: The old bt dt 4000 set top box has given up the ghost. We pay £113 a month for landline, broadband, what was BT Sport etc. A new box is required to get that. We have been with BT since 2015. 

Secondary issue: We don't want digital voice so are now 'out of contract' and on a 30 day rolling 'contract' ( BT's words). 


BT won't replace the box unless we are 'recontracted' to 24 months. So we can't get a new box. The guy on the phone suggested ebay at the end of the conversation.

I am also at a loss how I can be both out of contract but in contract. 


Tertiary issue: The utter shambles of two hours on the phone. Went right round houses, finally through to cancellations as thought sod it. Bloke there gave some options and said digital voice is 'policy', can only opt out if have Homecare / Telecare. I asked can I say I have one? Yes... ! Result! 

Sadly no, a proper rude bloke then took over and basically gave me a **bleep** for being a 'liar' (!) and talked over me, allsorts. I pointed out at the start of every BT call it asks the caller to treat staff as you wish to be treated... he apologised. 

So, currently £1356 a year and can't get the service. 

Any ideas? ( Will a home hub 5 work with a BT Pro box if I spend more cash to upgrade off ebay?! )


I just want a box that works, and keep things as they are.  Utterly bonkers situation and BT quality of call handling is down the drain IMHO. 

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Message 2 of 38

Re: All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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Seems bizarre given that a replacement box would only be loaned to you, so remains their property. But sadly typical of the utter contempt with which BT treats their customers. Might be worth asking Citizen's Advice about the legality of billing for a service, but refusing to supply the means to use it. CA deal with Trading Standards issues these days.

Yes, a purchased Pro Box will work with a HH5, but the legal status is questionable given they've only ever been loaned to customers. CEX have them for £105 & at least they have a 2 year guarantee, unlike the unregulated world of Ebay.

Message 3 of 38

Re: All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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Phone BT again and report that the box is faulty and needs replaced. You are still in contract, a 30 day contract not a fixed term contract. Do not enter into a debate or discussion about any other issue and remain calm and polite.

If the CS rep refuses ask to speak to a supervisor and explain the problem.

If still no joy lodge a complaint then contact the CEO, you will find her email address with an Internet search, and explain the issue to her or rather her team as the email will never get to her but it will get to the executive complaints team.

Message 4 of 38

Re: All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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I explained it was faulty, that we have done the resets, tried different cables the lot... not interested. Supervisors brought in, the same as we are 'out of contract'. 

Shocking attitude, could not give a toss. 

I am awaiting a call back on complaint - will try the CEO as well. Thanks! 

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Message 5 of 38

Re: All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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As you are looking for support whilst on a rolling EETV contract I have moved the thread to the EETV section. I have notified the forum moderation team of the thread.

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Message 6 of 38

Re: All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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I assume you're posting on behalf of someone else @shamblesTB as the description of your account doesn't match the account you logged in with, or the broadband connection that you posted from?

Hardware is only loaned as part of a contract. If it dies within contract then it'll be replaced without needing a contract extension, but as you're out of contract you cannot get a replacement.  A 30 day notice period doesn't count as a contract.

What is your objection to digital voice?  The old voice network is being switched off, so you'll be forced to move eventually anyway.  You won't notice any difference, other than improved call quality.

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Message 7 of 38

Re: All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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Hi Darren - a lot of wrong assumptions there.

VOL013-891953701935 is the complaint ID if you want to look up the reference, people can have different email addresses. 

If you check the account and date of when the set top box was sent out I think it predates the 'loan' change of terms and conditions? 

It is not a 30 day notice period, if so, why does it renew every month? I have a recording of the BT person stating it was a '30 day contract' last night as well. People don't just take £113 every month for several months, if not likely years, providing a service without an agreement - that would be very dodgy. 

The objection to digital voice is irrelevant and a separate debate. 

So, your expert helpful post TLDR?

1. You aint you (wrong)

2. Your stuff aint yours  (wrong)

3. You aint in a contract (wrong)

4. Digital voice is great, you are wrong  (cheers, no one asked)


Want to try again, as this is yet more rubbish... 

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Message 8 of 38

Re: All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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@shamblesTB the email address and internet connection you posted from is different to the account you've provided the complaint reference for - which is also in a different name.  So everything I said is correct.

You're not "in contract" - you can cancel everything with 30 days notice.  You can call it a rolling contract if you want, but it doesn't qualify you to get a replacement box.

Our records show the T4000 you have was provided 2 weeks after the rules changed, so you will be required to return it.

The TV subscription you're currently paying for is an old package that doesn't give you anything anymore.  You're wasting money every month on nothing.

If you took a new contract, you'd get more content for less money.

You have a choice - stick with what you have and buy a box for yourself, or take a new contract (for less money each month) and get access to the latest hardware and best content.

Message 9 of 38

Re: All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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I'm intrigued by the DV issue too, but for slightly different reasons from @DarrenDev 

Under what circumstances were you being pushed to DV, and in such circumstances how were you able to avoid it at all?

Or are people being pushed to DV when taking a new contract for broadband, even when it isn’t a new installation?

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 10 of 38

Re: All I want is a replacement settop box - but forced to get digital voice?!

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The info on the 'loan' contract stuff came from BT last night as 'it was so old' and terms have changed. Odd "you will be required to return it", I assume this is in the contract that does not exist?! 


If you read *I* didn't 'call it' a rolling contract- that is what BT referred to as it last night. 


On the package 'giving me nothing'... where to start?! It literally was working fine.  

So this month £33.68 was paid for TNT Sport and Entertainment Extra as per the bill. It was fine until a few days ago and was working. Now it can’t currently be used. Next month will be the same, with the same money taken by BT. That has been, and will be, ongoing. No notice period in play or cut off point. 


The two solutions provided by BT last night on the phone are:

>> Change what is offered to include Digital Voice and commit to two years of use of service. 

>> Go on ebay (yes, that was said when I asked if I could buy a replacement box from BT and told no) and hope a box I buy from a random person works


So forced to commit to a new long term contract and spend perhaps £2712 at current rate (could be cheaper, who knows), and lose something I want to keep in the process… to get something I had fine up to a few days ago and am paying for. 


Darren, if you genuinely think that is an acceptable proportional and reasonable resolution to the issue explicitly post it up yourself and I will hit ‘mark as accepted solution.  


Personally I think BT's polices are inflexible, not customer orientated, and are aimed at effectively forcing people towards new services and packages with no interest in legacy provision. Likewise, the gaslighting on the phone last night, and even in this thread ('you can call it a rolling contract' / 'doesnt give you anything anymore' etc ) is really low grade. 


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