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Message 1 of 8

BT TV Box internet connection

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Wondered if somebody can help.

My BT TV Box model: Humax DTRT4000.  Component Software ver 3.8.204 (8c71d2), Manufacturer Software 32.154.0

Keeps losing connection to the internet. The only solution I have found to resolving the issue is to unplug the ethernet cable from the router (Smart Hub 2) and plug it in to a different port. This sometimes works for a few days or a few hours. But ultimately I get the YMV102 error code and have to move the cable again. This has just started happening in the last month, before everything was OK.

I have factory reset the TV box several times, rebooted the router several times.

The Wi-Fi connection remains stable to other devices on the network.

The TV Box does not have the option of connecting via Wi-Fi

I have checked the ethernet cable by connecting a laptop to it when the TV box says there is no connection, but the laptop connects to the internet without issue and remains reliably connected. I left it connected for a weekend and it remained connected the whole time. I checked the logs.

Is there anything else I could try? I have checked for software updates for the TV box but it tells me it is on the current version.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: BT TV Box internet connection

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Have you tried a factory reset of the SH2 by the pin hole in the back? If you have DV then back up your contacts list first.

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Message 3 of 8

Re: BT TV Box internet connection

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Not sure what DV is? Why should I reset the hub? Wi-Fi and wired connections work fine with everything else apart from the BT box. I am not at home at the moment, I will try later, but I am sure the issue lies with the TV Box.


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Message 4 of 8

Re: BT TV Box internet connection

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Digital Voice - VoIP.

Have you tried touching the On/Standby button for just over eight seconds until the box soft reboots?

Even though you have been powering it off and on again, this is a better procedure.

More drastic resets, though still enabling you to keep your recordings in the first instance, are at:-


*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 5 of 8

Re: BT TV Box internet connection

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Hi Midnight,

DV = Digital Voice, OK thanks, rarely use it so won't lose any contacts.

Yes I have tried both types of reset on the TV box, the one that keeps recordings and the one that doesn't.

Unfortunately I'm very familiar with the process after having a BT TV box for many years.

Many thanks,

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Message 6 of 8

Re: BT TV Box internet connection

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Hi Midnight,

Over the weekend I tried the soft reboot with the power button on the TV box, still no connection to the internet.

So the last thing to try was the factory reset of the hub. First attempt I just pressed the reset button and left the hub to cycle back on, still no internet connection to the TV box. On further research I found an article that suggested holding the hub reset button for 20 seconds, so I tried this, let the hub cycle back on and it worked, TV box connected to the internet. This was Friday evening and it was still connected last night.

Not sure what the difference is between a single press of the reset button or a press and hold for 20 seconds on the reset button but the latter seems to have worked.


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Message 7 of 8

Re: BT TV Box internet connection

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Hi Community,

I spoke too soon, my issue has returned, been OK for over a week but tonight just turned on the TV box an no apps available with the YMV102 message. Nothing has changed regarding the tv box or router no new devices connected to the network.

Any ideas greatly recieved. Or is time for a new TV Box / Router?

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Message 8 of 8

Re: BT TV Box internet connection

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Did you solve this at all? My mum has the same issue, Ethernet cable to the box works fine when plugged into a laptop.

I get the YVM104 error, the support website says reboot router etc which  I’ve done !

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