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Message 1 of 13

BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

Hi all,  I am a long time Sky customer but have seen an offer from BT which seems really attractive and much cheaper than Sky.  BT is current Broadband Provider and I pay for BT TV Sport to get the TNT Sport Channels etc.

I dont use the YouView Box that I was sent not I can access TNT Sports through the Discovery App on my smart TV.

The offer from BT is the 'Full Works' Package with Netflix Premium, TNT Sports HD, NOW Sports, NOW Cinenma, NOW Entertainment (all HD), Discovery Plus  & HD.  This gives me all then channels I have now but at a very much reduced price.  The question is whether I can record the Sky channels on the latest Box Pro and watch them when I am ready too not when NOW/Sky say I can watch them!  I set the F1 to record and often miss the start of the race, so would like to have the same experience as sky Q in that I can come in after the start of the race, go to my recordings on the box pro and watch that recording from the start.  Is that possible?  Can you do the same with other NOW/Sky Subscription Channels and TNT Sports?

At the moment I have Sky Q plus main box in the family room and a a mini box in the snug, Multiroom, Ultra HD/HD, Sky Sports, Cinema, Signature etc but TNT Sports from BT via Discovery App on my smart TV.

I must admit, I do love the sky interface and ease of use for all channels you subscribe too through sky and also the feature that allows you to 'watch from the start' if you arent recording a show already.  Not sure BT/EE offer this.

The EETV experience will be totally different but if it can record NOW subscription channels and TNT sports then I might just move given the 45% per month saving with the offer currently available to me.

Thanks in advance

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Message 2 of 13

Re: BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

Yes, you can record the sky channels just like you can record the freeview ones!

You can for sure also set it to record something then watch it half way through.

If you set it up in aerial mode, you can record up to 3 other channels at once whilst watching the 4th too. Not sure if this also applies to sky channels or if they are capped at 2 instead, but you can do this for freeview just fine.

Just one pitfall to be aware of: The wifi of the Pro box is not that great. You may get streaming troubles even if the TV Box is in the same room as the Hub. So I would advise to connect it using ethernet or powerline(at a pinch) instead if possible. If you have the wifi discs you can use them as some sort of bridge, with the TV box plugged into an ethernet soket of the disc instead,  or get a wifi to ethernet converter from ebay instead, if your ethernet can't stretch that far. It just has troubles with its own wifi card.

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Message 3 of 13

Re: BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

Thanks @c64z86. I have a sky booster in the dining room and a BT disk in the family room to get signal to the existing sky box. Since I added the BT Disk to the family room, we have had no connections issues with sky etc but hard wiring an ethernet cable is always an option given I have the same running over double the distance to my garden office. If you can record Sky/NOW channels, assume you can record TNT too?
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Message 4 of 13

Re: BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

Yes I think so!

I don't have the sports package, only sky Cinema, but from the posts of others that I have read on here you can record the TNT channels just fine too.

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Message 5 of 13

Re: BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

So you record Sky Cinema to your Box Pro via a NOW Cinema subscription? I assume I could watch my NOW subscriptions via the app in the snug on my smart TV in there (I know I can't record in there too!)?
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Message 6 of 13

Re: BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

Yes you can record sky sports channels on the pro box. I'm a big F1 fan and like to record the race and watch it at time which suits me.

One thing I would advise is to record the programme before the race and at least an hour if not more after the race to avoid missing anything if there is a delay such as a red flag. For some reason the epg doesn't update to cover for this, possibly because it is the Now feed.

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Message 7 of 13

Re: BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

Yep I've recorded a lot of movies from Sky Cinema to watch back whenever I want, in addition you also have free access to the NOW catalogue to watch any movie on demand too.

You will also have the EE TV app to rent or buy any movie that you cannot find on the NOW side of things.

Yes you will also be able to access NOW from any device with the app, and you also get Netflix included with Cinema, which you can also use with any device that supports it. 🙂

Happy Viewing! 📺

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Message 8 of 13

Re: BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

If I may jump on this topic and request help with my own "number of recordings issue.I have the Bt Tv Pro Box since 18.12.23.Full Works package.Connected via aerial

Last night Set up  to record on box. 2 Live Now /Sky channels(Rugby league) and to watch a 3rd like Live channel.Box warning that I needed to delete one of the recordings to proceed..I assumed I could record up to 4 channels..via Aerial

Request clarification please ,is this to do the channels being "Live",as Subscription channels,via internet that this affects recording permatations..



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Message 9 of 13

Re: BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

You can record 4 channels via aerial, but only 2 via the internet (IPTV) which is how the Sky Now channels are delivered.

If you want to watch a live channel at the same time then it is only possible to record 3 or 1 channels respectively.


Hope this makes sense.

Message 10 of 13

Re: BT TV / EE TV - Recording on latest Box Pro

Yes thank you
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