Phoned yesterday to cancel my entertainment package but it proved difficult. The agent mentioned something about DI and that it takes 5 days so have to phone back on Friday. It seems the agent had facility to upgrade my package but could not cancel. I am miffed about the 5 day wait and having to phone back. Anyone who knows what I am up against?
Never heard of DI and phone back in 5 days. When I cancelled my TV package well over a year as I decided to go with Now direct with discounts. They tried to get me to stay by saying I would in the long run be cheaper staying with BT TV as it was called then. Than moving to Now direct.
I was near the end of my TV contract and when I cancelled it. I still had the TV package for just over a week till my contract ran out.
I once had a "DI" on my account over something. Was something not working right in the background of my account, fair play to them they got it sorted in the timescale they said and made my bill right as it was a change I wanted to make - a little frustrating at the time but was painless to get sorted in the end. I used to work for a call centre for an auction house and DI there meant data integrity I presume this is the same thing?
Phoned up billing and they said it has been sorted so nothing else to do