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Message 1 of 5

DTRT2110 YouView box hacked?

We have a DTRT2110 BT/EE YouView box.
Our son uses the DTRT2110 to watch Netflix, but his account was hacked recently. He wonders if it was our box.
I scanned our home network with nmap running on Linux, and it reported that ports 8888 and 8899 (both tcp) are open on the DTRT2110.
Does anyone know if this is normal? Or might the box have been hacked?
Many thanks for your help.
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Message 2 of 5

Re: DTRT2110 YouView box hacked?

Netflix accounts are hacked all the time and Netflix don't seem to care much.

It is very unlikely to be the BT box and is more likely a weak password or one of you devices itself has been hacked.

You need to contact Netflix and get you password reset.

Fibre 2 Unlimited using EE Smart Hub 2 with EE TV Box Pro (UHD/HDR) in IP mode.
Message 3 of 5

Re: DTRT2110 YouView box hacked?

Thanks for the prompt reply.

He has had his password reset, but won't use the box until he's sure it's not compromised.

I agree it's unlikely, but I would like to be sure if anyone knows about tcp ports etc.

Thanks again.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: DTRT2110 YouView box hacked?

EE TV (and older BT TV) boxes are incredibly secure, with no know current exploits.
I can say with a very high degree of confidence that the Netflix account wasn't compromised as a result of the TV box.
Message 5 of 5

Re: DTRT2110 YouView box hacked?

Great, thanks for the reassurance.

We are now convinced it wasn't the box, and we'll hopefully be able to convince our son.

But having started to look into this I'm still curious and keen to learn a bit more about network ports.

Do others see ports 8888 and 8899 open on DTRT2110s?

And why are they open? What do they do?

Many thanks.


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