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Message 1 of 5

EE box pro - infra red or bluetooth control from another room ?

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I have  BT /EE wifi (hub 5) with an original BT TV box and TV,  situated in the same location - from this location I ran a HDMI cable to another room and another TV - I'd physically  swap the the HDMI from the BT tv box and control the BT tv box with the scart connection from the BT tv box via coaxial lead with a IR at both ends so that I could watch and control the bt tv.

Basically I watch one TV during the summer and then another TV in a different room in the winter so swapping the HDMI cable wasn't a problem

I've renewed my  BT contract and been sent a box pro and mini box - I want to watch my recordings from either room(not at the same time) so how can I use the box pro, swap the HDMI cables from  the 2 TV and still control the new box pro ?  ( I don't watch both TVs at the same time )  Personally the mini box seems a waste of time if I cant watch whats recorded ! 

Hope this makes sense and I think I'm asking how can I control the new box pro remotely from a different room ?


cheers Matt

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Message 2 of 5

Re: EE box pro - infra red or bluetooth control from another room ?

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You can just take the bluetooth remote to the other room.

Some have suggested that it's possible to pair two remotes with the same box, if you prefer that route.

An HDMI splitter would save swapping cables but I guess if you only do it every six months, it's not exactly a chore.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: EE box pro - infra red or bluetooth control from another room ?

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RBZ5416 thank you for your reply :-

The functions on the box  pro are as yet, unknown to me - can you elaborate on the bluetooth remote ? is this on the EE remote ?

when I'm sat in the other room (ie the room without the ee box pro ) the HDMI cable provides picture and sound but to control the box pro, I'd need to go into the room with the box pro to change channels , pause etc - my existing set up used the scart connection on the old style BT view box hardwired to a coaxial cable and IR eye to change channels etc - sorry if I'm not making sense   



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Message 4 of 5

Re: EE box pro - infra red or bluetooth control from another room ?

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The standard remote supplied with the Pro Box is both IR & bluetooth. On it's first use it will auto-pair with the Box in bluetooth mode.

The Box will interrogate the TV via it's HDMI connection to try to establish the manufacturer. It should then set the remote's IR function to control the TV. This can be problematic as many TV manufacturers have licensed their name to be stuck on generic models. So the TV might report the name on badge but underneath, it will be using a different IR code set from the actual manufacturer.

So once your remote is paired to the Box, it should be able to control that box across a reasonable distance, depending on the construction of your property. So in your scenario, where you don't need the Box being controlled from two locations simultaneously, the single remote should suffice. But easy enough for you to test.

Message 5 of 5

Re: EE box pro - infra red or bluetooth control from another room ?

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RBZ  sorry,  I've just looked up blue tooth remote and I see that it doesn't require line of sight etc and works through walls etc - thanks and its looks as though the box pro will provide what I currently have.

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