Morning @Dang2
Thanks for coming to the community.
Could you try these steps to see if this helps;
If you still have this error message, could you check your software version is up to date. To do this, press the Home (or YouView) button, then go to Settings, Software Information, Update Software and press OK.
Let me know how you get on 🙂
Thank you for your reply I've checked all this and still having issues.
Thanks for trying these for me @Dang2
In this case, please get in touch with our broadband tech team and they will get the error message looked into for you.
Let me know how you get on 🙂
Hi @Dang2 , as you might be aware IPC6023 dialogs are generally due to a lack of multicast or subscription eligibility failures.
Could you drop me a DM with your TV Box serial number so I can take a quick look at your broadband connection and account details?
Hmm there doesn't seem to be an option to message,
My box serial number is : Serial No.:+097445+2321005067
Thank you for checking for me
Do you not see this, with the purple ‘Message’ box?
I don't? Maybe because I'm using a mobile?