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Message 1 of 4

FF,REW & PAUSE with EE TV Box Pro - Even worse than Youview!

I've recently renewed my BT Broadband and TV Contract swayed by being offered  a EE TV Box Pro to replace Youview Box.One of the main reasons to "update" for me was the expectation that I'd be able to Pause,Fast Forward and Rewind Recordings of (and "live") the Sports Channels as it was available in "the old days" i.e. Freeze Frame with no overlay of "Bars" obscuring large parts of the Screen and,likewise,being able to skip through the action "speeded up" in Full Screen Visibility.

Sorry to be long-winded,but to backtrack slightly - for the last couple of years using the Youview Box for Sport that old-fashioned "good" way of doing things was replaced by the clunky 2X,6X,12X FF and RW and with the annoying Bars always present (same with Pause).

So,my excitement with receiving the new Box only to find not only do the Sports still have the "Bars" but ALL TV Channels now do!!

This means,for instance,that when watching Countdown I can no longer Freeze Frame the TV Screen to give myself more time to find words as the bottom of the Screen is completely obscured.

Now,to the main reason I've brought this Topic up - I have,at least,found a way to Pause the Screen and "lose" the Bars.So,while watching TV or Recordings if you press the "Pause (II)" then press the "Guide" Button which brings up the Channels EPG you'll find that if you then repress the Guide Button after a moment the Paused TV will have lost the Bars.Any chance there are similar "work-arounds" to remove Bars in FF or RW?

One last thing - I have my Guide set for non-transparent just in case the Freeze Frame doesn't work when you try it and that is needed.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: FF,REW & PAUSE with EE TV Box Pro - Even worse than Youview!

It's hopefully going to be addressed in the next update but for now, simply pressing back button clears the screen.

Message 3 of 4

Re: FF,REW & PAUSE with EE TV Box Pro - Even worse than Youview!

@graybag I’m with you on this, the size of the bars is ridiculous, every time you change channel or do anything they appear and take up about 50% of the screen.

fingers crossed they change this for something a bit less obtrusive in future updates.

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Message 4 of 4

Re: FF,REW & PAUSE with EE TV Box Pro - Even worse than Youview!

Ah,thanks for info about Back Button clearing Screen for Pause far less fiddly than what I stumbled over!

Never yet known an update that materializes and cures long-standing problem but live in hope.

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