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Message 1 of 8

Failed to Record

Recordings that had previously been fine on my box are now showing as failed to record. I can record anything new fine. 
a couple of weeks ago it was like the box did a full reset one morning. All recordings from the last 2 years were wiped. 
Is this a known problem with the pro boxes? We really dont want to be living in fear that anything recorded will get lost! 

Message 2 of 8

Re: Failed to Record

I’ve not experienced or heard of that before. We’re very firmly in the record camp, so that is indeed worrying. I seem to recall a while back on here it was suggested that BT are able to monitor if you watch something that you have recorded. They had stumbled across someone who had watched a very old recording IIRC. Perhaps they can see if recordings have changed to failed too.

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Message 3 of 8

Re: Failed to Record

BT can definitely know if you are watching a subscription channel recording as the box has to "phone home" to check if the user has a current subscription to allow them to watch programmes from that channel.

It could be the box phones home regardless if it can though Freeview channel recordings can be made and watched without the box being connected to the internet.

What does it say about this in the T&Cs?
Message 4 of 8

Re: Failed to Record

Why would previously ok ones suddenly disappear tho? It wasnt just subscription channels, it was every single recording.

With it having previously wiped the whole box im wondering if theres something wrong with it. 

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 8

Re: Failed to Record


Alas, the only sensible forward plan for a YouView box owner is to live in constant fear that all your recordings will be lost 😢

Watch them sooner rather than later, and if there is something absolutely unrepeatable that you treasure (like a past news report you appeared in) then get a commercial company to copy it off onto DVD for you, if you don’t have the tools to do that for yourself.

There is no way to back your recordings up, short of that; and YouView never created rescue tools like Microsoft offer on Windows that will make valiant efforts to recover your data after index corruptions and the like.

Additionally, what happened to all your recordings is by no means unknown; if the box wakes up in the morning, does a self-check and determines that something is so wrong that nothing short of a factory reset will put it straight, then it does the factory reset, right then and there.

And then is bewildered that you are cursing at it for losing all your recordings; at least it got your box back working for you, and would you rather it had woken up broken, and just stayed that way?

As to the future of a box that has done this, maybe it will work perfectly for the rest of its natural, now; but I wouldn’t trust it, and I’d want EE to swap it out for me.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
0 Ratings
Message 6 of 8

Re: Failed to Record

Contacted BT on the online chat. Got me to to do a factory reset then check if i can record. 
no problem recording so theyve classed it as sorted. Tried to explain its scheduled recordings that the issue was with. 
Ive deleted all scheduled recordings and redone them incase the issue came from it trying to series link record things that had changed to failed to record. Clutching at straws! 
if tonights recordings fail i’ll be back onto them

Message 7 of 8

Re: Failed to Record

I got this in July, 9 months of recordings all deleted, say failed to record & 100% of space free.


Wife was absolutely gutted! Luckily I still had my retail humax T2000 youview so have that set back up again, running both, just in case the bt fails!

Only replaced the humax due to it being a little slow (it's 8 years old) & a random error where the youview menu bar stays on, blank & overlaying things. It does go off after pressing the youview button twice though.


I got mine from cex so has a 2 year warranty but they wouldn't do anything as they couldn't replicate the error! 

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Message 8 of 8

Re: Failed to Record


On the T2000, try a Maintenance Mode Option 2, and if successful, follow up with an Option 4 before setting it up again:-

Both Options should preserve all your recordings and there is a good chance they may clear the double press necessity.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***