Simple question that I can’t find an answer too:
Can I add my existing NOW account to my existing BT TV package?
Everything I’ve seen so far suggests that I must take a new TV package which I’m not interested in doing
@AlanDee It probably depends on what package you are currently on, if it’s the old legacy package, then the answer is possibly not.. If you have one of the newer packages that include NOW tv on the BT box then it should be possible.. Maybe someone with a bit more knowledge on the process of adding it could help you. Sorry can’t be any more helpful.
@Bluemoon1 Thank you for your reply. Perhaps I should have given a little more detail.
I’m currently on an old legacy tv package which, mainly due to its low cost and the fact it includes BT Sport in HD, I’m perfectly happy with. I also have a NOW Cinema package direct with NOW.
Was just wondering if it were possible to add the NOW account to the BT account.
The more I think about it, other than the ability to record, I’m coming to the conclusion it’s not worth joining them together, particularly cost wise.
Any views would be appreciated. Maybe I’m missing something
@AlanDee If you are happy with what you have then stick with it.. The legacy packages are being phased out over time.. You should be able to use the NOW TV app on the BTTV box by logging into it with your NOW log in details . But you won’t get it to appear on the EPG and won’t be recordable., unless you go down the new package route. Good luck with whichever you decide..