Message 1 of 10

Recordings stopped half way though

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I have a BT Pro Box setup with IP tuners.

I have a series link for Countdown on C4 HD at 2.10 PM  every weekday twice this week on watching the show only 1/2 of it has recorded.

Do I have a faulty harddrive?

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Recordings stopped half way though

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Hi @JonMace,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I am sorry that the recordings aren't getting the whole show for you.

Have you tried deleting the scheduled recording and setting it up again? Are other recordings affected?

Also, have you tried factory resetting the BT TV Pro Box? This is the reset that wipes all and starts over.


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Message 3 of 10

Re: Recordings stopped half way though

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If i can jump in here,i have the youview box & this has happened to me 2-3 times rfecently.When i open recorded items,it shows as recorded but when i play it the recordings play for around a minute n& stop,i thjink it says recording has ended.

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Message 4 of 10

Re: Recordings stopped half way though

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If the 'Recording has ended' banner appears part way through the programme, make a note of the elapsed time. Then restart playback from the beginning, press and hold >> to jump at 1 minute intervals until you just get past the point at which it previously stopped playing. You should now be able to watch the remainder of the recording.

I've had this occur a few times recently on my BT Pro Box, the recording shows the full programme length but the 'Recording has ended' banner appears around halfway through. It's a bit of a faff but so far I've been able to get past it using the method above to watch the entire programme.

The recording length obviously needs to be checked to see if the recording as actually short or not.

Message 5 of 10

Re: Recordings stopped half way though

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Thanks for info.i'll give that a go next time it happens.
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Message 6 of 10

Re: Recordings stopped half way though

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Cancelled the series link and restarted it , still had the same problem yesterday.

I have now done a factory reset and will see how that goes.

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Message 7 of 10

Re: Recordings stopped half way though

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I've had the same problem, and if I try to ff it stops at the same point. Don't know about anyone else but my problem is only on aerial channel 104, Channel 4 HD. I'm going to try cancelling the series link option.

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Message 8 of 10

Re: Recordings stopped half way though

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As well as FF in the recording did you try jumping whilst playing the recording. eg if whilsts playing recording you hit a number 0-9 you will jump ( ie 9  jumps to 90% point , 8  jumps to 80% point ... 1 jumps to 10% point  and 0 jumps back to start.)

Not sure series link  will have any effect on the experience.

In your case @SeasideC  as you are using an aerial feed one possible cause would be interference to or drop in quality of the terestrial feed to your box during the recording  and during playback it cannot play past the point where the problem occurs.

The original poster @JonMace  is using the box in IP mode so his channel feed is a multicast channel. 

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Message 9 of 10

Re: Recordings stopped half way though

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Well, either by coincidence, or because I've found the solution, my programme fully recorded today.  I thank @zulu17 for your help, but think the glitch was more with the series link function than the aeriel, as it only happened at that set time on that particular channel each time.

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Message 10 of 10

Re: Recordings stopped half way though

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After a factory reset, things seemed to have been OK last week

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