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Message 11 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

@RichardHaselgrove It has jumped for me at least once but I am keeping an eye out to see if this was a blip or still an issue.

0 Ratings
Message 12 of 504

Re: New interface is dreadful

Im frequently getting the same "We are experiencing issues with the service, please try again later." message.


When is it going to be fixed ?


The new BT email format is dreadful !!

Message 13 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

I too am continuing to have problems with the font changing. I typed the first paragraph of an email and then the font shrunk when stating the second paragraph.

Message 14 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

Still too many issues appear to be unresolved. 

Message 15 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

This might do nothing to help but it may be worth clearing your browser's history and cookies in case it is still using old ones

0 Ratings
Message 16 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

Many thanks for the advice - I'll try that.

Have BT considered compensating everyone for the months we've had to put up with an email service which is not fit for purpose?

Message 17 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

Here's a view of fixes and known issues still being worked through. I think the latter captures the majority of what's still being reported. But i'll make sure the email team are aware of any unknowns.

Thanks again for all your feedback on this. 

Fixed issues

  • Reply to message in external email account isn't working
  • Rules are not set as active by default (check-box not checked)
  • Double click on message doesn't always work.
  • Sending a reply doesn’t use and ReplyTo header/address
  • Email composed with ine spacing at 1.5 times, however when the message sends, it's 1 times spacing.
  • When composing an email, if you click (not CTRL F) the 2nd or 3rd line the text is smaller.
  • Replying to mail doesn’t use use RichTextEdit setting.
  • It's not possible to reply to a message when there's no "To" header or "To" has a display name but no email address.
  • In the 'Below' view it's not possible to drag the screen down past a certain point.
  • Default font is not shown in rich text compose font menu - not possible to change default font.
  • Autoreply time settings / Checkbox : confusing user experience
  • Click on security-tracking banners doesn’t navigate to the settings
  • Not able view/preview Content-Type: message/rfc822 attachments
  • Multi-Message Check Option to Mark 50 messages
  • Page Unresponsive - If Split Pane Moved up to top in the "below" view
  • Shared calendar event description not displayed in Monthly View
  • Contacts - Select all doesn't select the last element of Trash folder.


Known issues being worked on 

  • Block Images setting turns on randomly
  • The text overlaps with the dropdown button in Touch user interface. -Profile name display drop down button overlaps with username.
  • “We are experiencing issues with the service, please try later.” error.
  • When an email is received that contains a table from excel, the table is moved to the middle of the email.
  • Removal of the grey print option.
  • In some emails text wraps in the middle of a word.
  • When replying to an email in editor, when a formatted email is sent, the formatting is removed and formatting tags display.


Message 18 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

I am still on the old email - release 2.33.0.

How long is it before all are migrated to the new Webmail, or is it still only being tested on a few?


Message 19 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

@NickBS As "Default font is not shown in rich text compose font menu - not possible to change default font." is down as fixed, can you advise how to change the default font so I get rid of the line of Times New Roman at the start of the emails?

Can you confirm that the cursor jumping to the start of the email is still down as a bug, as I've had it do this several times today?

Message 20 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)


@DEM wrote:

Many thanks for the advice - I'll try that.

Have BT considered compensating everyone for the months we've had to put up with an email service which is not fit for purpose?

Being pedantic, it was not the email service that was not fit for service, it worked perfectly if you were using an email client or app, it was the web browser UI ( User Interface) when using webmail that had/has issues.

Since 26th October 2022 BT no longer supply an email service to BT Broadband customers or to any BT Broadband customer who had a broadband package prior to that date if they have not already set up a BTMail email account.

Prior to that date BT email service was/is a free add on to your Broadband package so I think you may find that BT have no obligation to compensate you and as Ofcom do not regulate any email services from any provider I doubt you would get any assistance to any complaint made there.

It might be the case that they would/should offer compensation to BTPremium email account holders as they are paying £7.50 per month for their email service but I would not bet on BT doing that.