A computer system we use occasionally tries to send out 50 emails at a time, but sometimes all those that have a btinternet.com address get blocked and the message back looks like this :-
554 Message rejected on 2023/09/12 08:49:12 BST, policy ( ID (647E845C0FF251AB) - Your message looks like SPAM or has been reported as SPAM
These are definitely NOT spam. Is there anything that can be done please ?
I have asked a moderator to remove your email address from within the rejection message as this is a public forum and you could end up being inundated with spam.
As regards your problem, the maximum number for group emails is 49 so try that.
OK thanks, but the 50 emails sent out in one go were to a whole variety of email accounts, and it was only those that were for btinternet.com that were blocked.
The blocked emails have still not arrived from BT.
To try and trouble shoot have you
a) tried sending under 50?
b) sending just to the BT email addresses as a group?
c) sending to the BT email addresses individually to see if the email get through?
Yes to all 3 of those
The first time they failed, there were only 2 emails to send out, both were btinternet.com. It doesn't seem to matter how many are in the group, it's only the BT ones that fail.
Within the next 5 minutes, another 2 emails were sent out to gmail accounts and they both were received immediately.
I have notified the moderators of the forum about your problem. Once they have read this they may be able to help. They will advise you by posting on this thread.
Hi @dpalmer192
Thanks for posting sorry you've experienced this issue.
Please take a look at the link below it will guide you on how to contact the postmaster regarding emails you're sending being rejected by BT as spam:
Are you sending emails from a btinternet.com email address?
Have you tried changing IP address in case that's been blocked as potential spam?
Thanks for your reply and the suggestions from Postmaster. Unfortunately I don't know the answers to some of these suggestions so I have passed them over to the software company that we use to send out the emails, and am awaiting their reply.
Dave Palmer