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Message 1 of 2

Difficulty accessing BT email from abroad

I am currently in the US and using a local SIM card in my mobile phone. Using the built in Samsung email client, this picks up my gmail email no matter where I am, but accessing my BT email is patchy. In some localities it downloads my BT emails without a problem, in other places the BT servers just refuse to respond.

It seems the BT email servers are picky about which IP addresses they allow its servers to respond to.

Does anyone know why this is and if anything can be done about it?

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Difficulty accessing BT email from abroad

I have experienced problems twice in the last 4 months.  Once in the middle east and once in Portugal.

What happens is that accessing email from IOS mail (on iphone) fails.   When I try and access using webmail it demands that I verify, however there is no action or input control on the web page that demands verification.


I am about to return to the middle east in a few weeks, is there anyway I can avoid losing access to my BT mail?


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