How do I add more columns to my Web Mail screen?
For example my Inbox only shows three columns, i.e. From, Subject,and Date.
I would like to add a "To" column and perhaps a "Size" column.
Solved! Go to Solution.
You can not add more columns.
Would a "To" column in the Inbox not be unnecessary in any event as all the emails in your Inbox are "To" that inbox's email address.
Not necessarily - A quick skim of seeing if an email was sent directly to you, or as part of a mail list can help you identify an emails priority in an enterprise environment 🙂
I'll admit, it's quite a unusual case though.
It is still sent "To" you regardless if it is sent to others on a mailing list and if it is part of a mailing list the rest of the recipients should be BCC to avoid any GDPR issues.
I have four BT email addresses all of which are forwarded to my primary email address. It would be useful to me to see which of the four emails are showing in a "To" column in my primary email address inbox. I'm able to see this quite readily if using Em client.
Not in my organisation, it either sent to my specific email, or [group]@maillists[domain]
Try adding a new folder in to your Inbox for each of your forwarded email addresses. Then set up a rule for each one where any email with that email address in "To" is sent to their specific folder.
I am talking about using BTMail not a company's commercial email system.
Thanks, but I've already got a number of folders in my Inbox some of which are populated by emails conforming to specific rules (normally by Subject line content). I wouldn't wish to add to this by also separating according to the "To" email address.
I thought I was missing somewhere on BT Mail where there would be an option to add extra columns but as this isn't so I can manage using Em client in preference to BT Mail, the former allows me to add certain columns such as a "To" column.
As you are no doubt aware BTMail webmail just has a basic, and at the moment not a very good User Interface.
Using an email client is in my and other forum users opinion always the best way to access your email.
Most if not all email clients will have far more user adjustable settings and as a bonus that can not be changed by the email provider, where as webmail interfaces are made to have as little user adjustable settings mainly because the vast number of users don't need or want to change what they are given and it is easier for the provider to resolve problems should they arise.