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Message 1 of 18

Moving to Premium email

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When I ceased my BT broadband service on 4th Dec I then opted to retain BT email with Premium email. I have 7 BT email addresses. However, email does not show on 'My BT' so I have no ability to manage the service. In addition a second BT account has been generated using one of my email addresses.

How can I get 'email' management to show on 'My Products' ??

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Message 2 of 18

Re: Moving to Premium email

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Have you set up a new MyBT using the  BT account which I presume has been set up as part of the BT Premium email account.

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Message 3 of 18

Re: Moving to Premium email

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A new MyBT has appeared using one of my email addresses. This new MyBT allows me to 'manage' that email address but none of the others.
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Message 4 of 18

Re: Moving to Premium email

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Did you order BT Premium email and did you get acknowledgement that the order was completed?

When you log onto the "new" MyBT and go to manage email, what does the type of email show as. Is it Basic, Standard or Premium?

Were all the other email addresses set up under the same BT broadband account?

Have you tried calling the BT Premium email team on 0808 100.6778 ?

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Message 5 of 18

Re: Moving to Premium email

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1. Yes and yes.

2. The 'type' of email service is not stated - there is no mention of Basic/Standard/Premium.

3. Yes.

4. No - sounds like a useful number to call... thanks.

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Message 6 of 18

Re: Moving to Premium email

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Are all the other email addresses under your control or did you "gift" any of them to others and if so did they set up their own BTID, MyBT when you "gifted them? If so they should have been notified in their MyBT.

See link

BT Email products | Types of BT Emails | BT Help

Try calling the BT Premium email team and if they are unable to resolve the problem post back to see if further assistance can be given.

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Message 7 of 18

Re: Moving to Premium email

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Having had a number of discussions with various BT call centre people I have now been told that despite moving to Premium Email I can no longer create new email addresses up to the eleven allowed despite this cut and paste from the email management page:

QUOTE If you do not already have a BT email address, you’ll no longer be able to create one; this option was withdrawn on 26th October 2022.

If however you already have a BT email address, you can continue to create additional email addresses up to the 11 permitted*

*Basic email excluded. UNQUOTE

Which is it? Freeze or eleven??

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Message 8 of 18

Re: Moving to Premium email

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You should be able to get up to eleven provided you all ready had at least one prior to 26th October 2022.

I have notified the moderators of the forum about your problem. Once they have read this they may be able to help. They will advise you by posting on this thread.

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Message 9 of 18

Re: Moving to Premium email

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However, I have absolutely no idea why you would want to create yet another millstone around your neck rather than a portable free Gmail or Outlook address.

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Message 10 of 18

Re: Moving to Premium email

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Thanks - the last BT person I spoke to told me that "seven" is "up to eleven" and I can't make any more... if I had read it that way I would have made another four addresses before moving to "Premium" email.
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