Absolutely hate the new email format. You can't even amend a contact's email address so if they change their email address you just have to add their new one as you can't amend/delete their old. Reasons to dislike email format too numerous to list. Hate it, hate it, hate it.
Are you unable to edit/change all your contacts or is it just happening to one or two contacts?
I've only tried to amend one. Just don't understand why you can't delete an email address that no longer applies to the person and just overtype it with their new one? Also, your distribution groups used to be listed under Main (on lhs of screen) - now I have only some of the groups listed - but not my main one that I use nearly everyday! That's now listed alphabetically in the Contacts list. And that's just what I've found so far. Really, really don't like new email format one bit.
Distribution groups don’t show in the left hand menu in contacts. On the previous version of webmail, Distribution Groups appeared in the left hand menu. Now they are all mixed in with your regular contacts. This apparently part of the new system.
As regards not being able to edit contacts. I have also found that one of my contavts can not be edited where as all the rest can be edited. I have not yet been able to work out why that happens but if I find out I will post back.
Thank you Distinguished Sage. I appreciate the fact you have the patience to do it - something I distinctly lack in. This is just computer geeks changing things for the sake of it in my book!