Dream on !!!
OK just ignore, I've just seen that others are having the same trouble so I'll check the replies there first
I was able to log in to my email on my laptop this afternoon with no trouble, but tonight I can't get on because AVG is saying there's a Phishing attempt.
As far as I know, I haven't updated or downloaded anything in the 5 hours between log-ins, so is anyone else having trouble logging in?
Or is it my AVG program?
Any ideas? I can still log in on my mobile app, just not via the BT website on my laptop.
I have moved your post onto this thread to keep the reports in the same place to save duplication of replies.
Hi - I have started to get this issue today - if they corrected it why is it happening now ?
The problem you are experiencing will no doubt be the one in this thread not the thread you posted on so I have moved your post onto this thread to keep the reports in the same place to save duplication of replies.
Same problem on my laptop. OK on phone and tablet.