Hi! I have had an issue recently where I tried to reset a password linked to an account i held with a high street retailer, but nothing came through (after several tries) so I had to create a new account with another email address I have. Today, I have attempted to reset my Disney+ password (login is my bt email), again nothing has come through-i have no blocked or safe senders. Can anyone help?
Thank you
Have you checked your spam folder?
Set the retailers email address as a "Safe Sender" in your email account's settings.
Yes I have checked spam and empty.
I have a couple of possible email addresses from the retailer in my 'Safe Sender' section already and I have emailed them to try and find out whether I am using the correct one - awaiting a reply.
Have checked that I do not have them in 'Blocked senders' at all.
Any ideas and help appreciated