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Message 1 of 8

Reclaim a gifted emails address and add it to my mobile BT app

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I am the account holder and about a year ago, I mistakenly gifted an email address to my account manager.  When we looked on his BTID the email address wasn’t there, just the two email addresses he uses.

On my BTID I can see both of his email addresses and my main email address, and under the gifted section the email address I want back.

 I contacted BT only to be told nothing could be done to show it on my account, but was told it would still work.  Well yes, it does.  It is visible on my outlook account, however, I can’t set it up on my mobile phone BT app.

My questions are: 

  1. How do I get the email address back on my list of email addresses and not in the gifted section?
  2. How do I set up this ‘invisible’ account on the BT app?
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Message 2 of 8

Re: Reclaim a gifted emails address and add it to my mobile BT app

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Anybody can set up any email account on their phone as long as they know the password.

The fact that the account doesn't appear in your list will not prevent setting it up.

As an aside, I would strongly recommend using a proper email app such as Blue Mail or Aqua Mail rather than the dire BT app

Message 3 of 8

Re: Reclaim a gifted emails address and add it to my mobile BT app

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As regards the email account not showing in your MyBT:-

When you "gifted" it to your account manager did he claim/activate the email account and set it up in his MyBT.

See link and sub links

Creating BT Email addresses? | BT Help

If he did not do that it can not show in his MyBT as it is not one of his affiliated email accounts.

You could try and link it to your own broadband account.

See link

Can I move my BT email address to another account? | BT Help

If that doesn't work, and I suspect it won't post back as you will need the assistance of a moderator.

As regards setting it up in the BTMail app. If the account is active it should be able to be set up on the BTMail app however I would also suggest using a better free email app as already suggested.


Message 4 of 8

Re: Reclaim a gifted emails address and add it to my mobile BT app

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Thank you for the information.  I have successfully added the second account to my mobile app.  It just takes some one to point out the obvious!!😁

Still looking for help getting the email address back on to my account.

Thank you very much for your help

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Reclaim a gifted emails address and add it to my mobile BT app

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Hi gg30340,

We have just logged into his account to check, and it was never activated.  I seem recall that activation didn't work at the time which is why we contacted BT.  As I had access to the account via outlook, it wasn't a problem except for the fact that it wasn't visible on my BT account anymore except under 'gifted'.

I have tried to import it back to my account and I get the error message "this email is already linked to your account".

So it seems the account is in the ether.  Although I can see it on outlook and now on the BT app, it doesn't show in the list of addresses in the BT account.  Maybe this doesn't matter, but it would be a lot simpler if the receiver of the gifted email address could refuse the address so that it is automatically returned to the account holder to deal with it. (i.e. close the address if it was an error, or to gift it to someone else).

Before my error last year, if I signed into my account on the internet I could see both emails by toggling between the addresses in the top right corner of the page.  This function is no longer available to me, presumably it has been removed/changed for some reason by BT.

Thank you for the suggestion even though it didn't resolve the issue, at least I have ruled out an option.

Everyone keeps saying use a different free email app - why, what's wrong with the BT app?

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Reclaim a gifted emails address and add it to my mobile BT app

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It's just awful, try Blue Mail and you will see what we mean

Message 7 of 8

Re: Reclaim a gifted emails address and add it to my mobile BT app

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The toggle function between two email accounts was removed by BT.

The BTMail app is in my and others opinion pretty poor in comparison to other free email apps that are available however if the BTMail app is doing everything that you want and is causing no problem then just continue using it.

I have notified the moderators regarding the email account not showing in your MyBT. If you don't want them to help just indicate that when the contact you via this thread. If you do want assistance follow the instructions when the contact you on this thread.


Message 8 of 8

Re: Reclaim a gifted emails address and add it to my mobile BT app

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Hi gg30340,

Thank you so much for taking the time out to help me.  I note what you say re other email apps.  At the moment the BT app is doing all I need, but I will bear in mind your suggestions just in case.

I suspected that the toggle might have been removed, presumably they are trying to streamline the services and get us all on apps.  However, for anyone who just uses the internet, and not apps, they would need to sign in to each separate email on the website to view - ah well, that's progress!

Thank you for passing on my query to the moderators, I await their comments and help,

Kind Regards

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