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Message 1 of 5

Webmail page keeps timing out when searching on the term Oyster.


I am searching my BT e-mails, using Web mail on my MacBook Pro M3 on 1000Mbps internet package, on the term Oyster and I keep getting the message:

This search request took longer than expected and timed out.

I have 5GB worth of e-mails and whenever I've tried the GMail app or the mobile web page, I have had even worse results.

I even tried narrowing down the search to between 2 months and it still errored.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Webmail page keeps timing out when searching on the term Oyster.

Following - as we have same issue.  Works on phone but not on desktop.  Been ongoing for last couple of weeks

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Webmail page keeps timing out when searching on the term Oyster.

I too get a time out error on a search, after about 30 seconds. Very irritating as you have no option to let the system know to just 'relax', 'take your time, I'm in no hurry'!  Hitting search again just repeats the error, it doesn't take on where it left off. Nice to hear that BT aren't just picking on me, it's cr*p for everyone...

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Webmail page keeps timing out when searching on the term Oyster.

I am still experiencing problems on the Web site, as in it doesn't work when it should.

Interestingly the BT e-mail app partly work but when the information first appears, it then disappears and you think it hasn't worked. Give it time and as if by magic, it reappears.

This worked when I typed in the word Hawkwind but not when I typed in the words Rock City. When I did that, the e-mail containing the words Hawkwind and Rock City, did not show up in the search results. It said no matching items found. If I searched on rock city other results showed up but not the e-mail I was after.

I'm also not aware of how one searches on dates in the app. It seems date search is only on the Web site and text search doesn't work unless your date range is every small but for that you need to know the date.

To get a date this time, I checked my bank statements as it related to something I had purchased. So in order to search BT e-mails one needs to check their bank statements first. Perhaps that could be added to a help page.

I spent about 20 minutes getting to the e-mail in question.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Webmail page keeps timing out when searching on the term Oyster.

I posted on this thread 5 weeks ago, I still have the same 'timed out' error when changing 'view' to attachments. Kinda like p*ssing in the wind, no one listens, and you get soiled in the process LOL 😂

Come on BT, pretend you offer some semblance of customer service...

attachment error time out.jpg

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