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Email Address Security

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I understood that if an email address was incorrect, it was "bounced" back to the sender with a "could not forward" error. This does no appear to be the case.

My email address is in the format john.doe@btinternet.com, but when my partner sent me an email recently she inadvertently typed johndoe@btinternet.com missing out the full stop between john and doe. As I said earlier, this should have been "returned to sender" with an error message. What actually happened was that it was forwarded to johndoe@ntlworld.com and this gentleman kindly advised my partner of the error.

I am at a loss to understand how the server name could be changed during such a search as I thought the search would be carried out on the full email address not just the part before the @.

Can anyone advise me of the reason for this.

Obviously John Doe is a sample and to my knowledge such a person does not exist.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Email Address Security

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I suspect that the recipient has the email address johndoe@btinternet.com and forwards mail to johndoe@ntlworld.com

Message 3 of 3

Re: Email Address Security

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I must admit that I had not thought of that. Thank you for suggesting the solution.
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