Message 11 of 18

Re: Email display name incorrect in app


To update the name in the BT Email app, open the app and click the Menu Icon.  Then click the profile icon (picture of a head) and then click Edit to change first/last name

Hopefully this updates it for you when you send emails from the BT Email app.

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Message 12 of 18

Re: Email display name incorrect in app

In response to u/licquorice

"Are you logging in via different route when the name changes? I.e selecting email after logging in to MyBT as opposed to logging in directly."

The issue is (mostly) in the BT email APP, so not the webmail interface.

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Message 13 of 18

Re: Email display name incorrect in app

Then definitely try a different app.


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Message 14 of 18

Re: Email display name incorrect in app

In response to u/mog_catto:

Thank you for your suggestion.

However, the issue is that despite the profile name having been changed many many times (as  per the method in your suggestion), it always eventually reverts back to the original display/profile name on the 'front' screen (i.e. when I go to Menu from the Inbox).

This happens repeatedly no matter how many times I go to update it.  And so then I go back in to edit the 'name' setting by clicking on the profile picture (as you describe), only to find that it is correctly saved there. It then shows correctly again in the main (menu) screen for a while, until it eventually reverts back to the old name. And so I click on the picture/head icon again to change it, it's already correct there, then it shows correctly for a while, and then eventually reverts back....ad infinitum.

It always shows as correct in the actual 'edit' screen, but it's the front (menu) screen (and thus the 'from' field) which keeps reverting back to the old name.

I'm not sure how I can make it any clearer or more understandable.

I guess I will just have to use the webmail interface rather than the app, should I need to send anything 🙄

0 Ratings
Message 15 of 18

Re: Email display name incorrect in app

If the recipent of the email has the email address saved in their email client /app contacts as the email address of joanne bloggs that is what will be displayed when they receive an email from joanne.bloggs email address.

They would need to change the first name listed in their contacts list for that email addess to joe so that when the joanne.bloggs email is received it displays that email has come from joe bloggs.


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Message 16 of 18

Re: Email display name incorrect in app

This is happening even when it's an email sent to someone who has never been emailed from this email address before, and so wouldn't have Joanne Bloggs as a contact...

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Message 17 of 18

Re: Email display name incorrect in app

I know you have said you have changed the profile name but that may only be  used for the account holder to be able to establish which account they are using and is not what gets displayed to a recipient.

I don't use the BTMail app, which I think is rubbish, so I am not sure of its settings but it could have a setting some where to enter the name you wish to have displayed on sent emails. 

If you can,can you go into all the settings and check for that and if not try setting up another email address,even a dummy one to see if it is offered when setting up the account in order to establish if that is an option.

0 Ratings
Message 18 of 18

Re: Email display name incorrect in app

Lol, believe me, I have been into every goddamn setting I can find, both in the (cr)app and in the webmail. Oh, and in 'MyBT' too.

I've now added the BT account to my Gmail app and set up the display name as Joe Bloggs, tried an email to myself and it shows correctly so at least that's helpful.

Incidentally, referring to your earlier comment that how the 'from' name is displayed would depend on how the recipient has the email address set up as a contact - I have the contact (inc. that email address) set up as 'Ma & Pa', but that's never how it's ever shown up in my Inbox, so I'm not sure that follows.

Anywho, I think I'll just stick with the Gmail app or the Webmail interface going forward, the BT email app really is very poor.

I'm now trying to establish whether the 'name' field has been updated with other BT app users, perhaps not and that's why it's getting confused 🤔 although according to u/licquorice it shouldn't make any difference, as each app installation / device should be independent. We'll see 🙂

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