Message 1 of 5

Emails Before 18/04/2022 Suddenly Missing From Parents Email Account

Hi all,

My parents moved over from a @btconnect.com to a @btinternet.com email account several years ago when @btconnect.com email accounts were shut down. They have recently tried to go back through their emails and it seems that all emails before 18/04/2022 have suddenly been deleted. This is the case on both web mail and through Outlook. Does anyone know why this is the case? They thought it may be the emails ending @btconnect.com that were removed, but apparently the dates don't match up.

Any help would be appreciated on how to get about 3 years worth of emails back. I do sense it may not be possible though, if they are no longer on their servers.


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Message 2 of 5

Re: Emails Before 18/04/2022 Suddenly Missing From Parents Email Account

Hi William

Do you know how long the emails have been missing?

Were the emails in folders or were they all in the Inbox?

Do your parents mainly use Outlook or webmail.

You are correct that if the emails are not showing on webmail it generally means that they are no longer on the BT servers and can not be recovered.

I will ask the moderators if there is any chance to recover them but usually in previous situations like this the best that can be offered is that the email team may be able to tell you which type of device/email client triggered the deletion. 

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Emails Before 18/04/2022 Suddenly Missing From Parents Email Account

Hi @Techwizz, sorry your parents have lost their emails. It's unlikely the emails will be found if they are not available on webmail, but it would be best to check with our email technical helpdesk by calling or using the 'Message now' option on this page: Fix email | BT Help choose Existing customer - Technical help - Broadband. 



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Message 4 of 5

Re: Emails Before 18/04/2022 Suddenly Missing From Parents Email Account

Thank you, both.

I will get in contact with the helpdesk.

@gg30340 not sure how long they have gone for, possibly a few weeks or so? The emails affected are in every folder, so Inbox and some custom made folders. They mainly use webmail.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Emails Before 18/04/2022 Suddenly Missing From Parents Email Account

When previous users have reported missing emails it is usually from their Inbox and not from folders that the user has set up and when that happens it is more often than not that the email team report back that it was the users email client or mobile device that triggered the deletion.  Obviously we have to take them at their word as there is no way for users to prove otherwise.

They also state that the emails are not recoverable so I would not hold out much hope of getting them back.  

Please post back with what they say about it.

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