Message 51 of 115

Re: Error when logging on 22 march 2024

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You can download and use an email client/app such as Thunderbird or eM Client onto your laptop. 

They are easy to set up by following the prompts and entering you username and password.

Once you set it up you can access all your emails and folders that you have on the BT webmail and use that instead of using a web browser to access your emails.

If you have a mobile device you are most likely already using an email client or email app on that.

Message 52 of 115

Re: Logging in to email

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Hi Everyone, The email team have resolved the problem and you should now be able to log in. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.



Message 53 of 115

Re: Logging in to email

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Thanks to whoever has managed to resolve this issue and thanks for letting us know.


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Message 54 of 115

Re: Logging in to email

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Hi Everyone, The email team have resolved the problem and you should now be able to log in. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I don't know anything about clients and apps, and I don't want to know

But if these things are so much better than your own system why not build them (unseen) into the background of your own system. 

Message 55 of 115

Re: Logging in to email

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First of all BT have produced their own email app for mobiles and it is as dire as their webmail offering.

BT are an internet provider, not an app/client developer hence recommending third party products that are designed by companies that rely solely on their products. Third party mail apps/clients are universal and can be used by thousands of email providers this giving a completely uniform interface for whoever supplies your email system.

Why would you continue to drive a smelly clapped out Trabant in the forlorn hope that one day it will be miraculously fixed when you could be driving a free no strings attached Rolls Royce?



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Message 56 of 115

Re: Logging in to email

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BT Customer Services  phoned yesterday, he said they hoped to have all issues resolved by 7th April. I said it's pointless talking about 'The Issues' when they are no closer to 'fixing' them. So will call back in a couple of weeks, I don't think they will be any closer to resolving by then. 


Message 57 of 115

Re: Logging in to email

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Not as black & white as that in my case

I have 5 email addresses & look after several more  across 3 providers.

As I have had "broadband" since it first arrived in Co Durham I have used BT Broadband & Mail, while I agree it's (very) problematical It suits me to keep on using it & as I'm paying for the email service as part of the package I subscribe to I expect it to work

I managed to dodge last years "mid term rise" but will have to suffer next months hike.

Will I stay with BT at renewal time ?  the way things are at the moment .... NO

Message 58 of 115

Re: Logging in to email

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If you have multiple email addresses across multiple providers, it makes even more sense to have them all in one place in a single mail client. Far simpler than having multiple websites. It also means that emails can simply be dragged and dropped between the accounts if required.

I currently have about a dozen email addresses across half a dozen providers, all accessible in one place.

If you have had BT email for that length of time, you would know that in the early days you had to use a third party mail client as webmail hadn't even been invented then, let alone a BT version.

Message 59 of 115

Re: Logging in to email

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No they haven't.  It's 15:56 and I'm still getting the same problems:

bt.com -> email link -> long wait -> back to bt.com with no error message (sometimes via entering email credentials)

Message 60 of 115

Re: Logging in to email

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@SteveH1949 wrote:

No they haven't.  It's 15:56 and I'm still getting the same problems:

bt.com -> email link -> long wait -> back to bt.com with no error message (sometimes via entering email credentials)

When it goes back to bt.com try clicking on the email link again.

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