Message 81 of 107

Re: New BT Email format


As I am just a BT Customer and I don't work for BT. I compiled that list in my own time after spending my time using and experimenting with BTMail webmail (on a web browser), which I do not normally use as I use an email client which has none of the problems that you have encountered so I'm glad you think it is "quite good".  

In case you are not aware, you can not get hacked just by opening an email. It is also very unlikely that you will get a virus or malware just by opening a spam email. Almost all viruses, like Trojans and worms, are activated when you download an attachment or click a link present in an email.

By only opening the spam email the spammers would only be able to find out that you have opened the email in the same way as any genuine emailer could if you have automatic image loading turned on. I am not going to go into details how that happens but if you are interested just do an Internet search.

In most cases spammers "spoof" the email addresses that they use and as such blocking the email address and domain that is shown is virtually a waste of time and can often end up blocking genuine domains. It is only worth blocking the genuine email address and domain that the email was sent from. To find those you need to look at the email headers.

I never included a "fix" or "work around" for the "jumping cursor" because I did not suffer that problem and could not replicate it therefore I can not fix what I don't find broken.

As regards my stating that the BT email team monitor the "Feed Back" thread. As I don't work for BT I can only go on the information that I have been given by the moderators. I have no evidence of this to share other than the word of the moderators and even if I did would not share it with you as some information that is given by the moderators to the CL's of the forum is confidential.

As regards "Surely, if that were true  then BT could / should post on the forum themselves to say something along the lines of " Hi everyone, BT's  technical team here. We are reading these posts and realise that there are serious issues with our new email rollout. We are working on these and we anticipate having them fixed by ....[date]......". 

The moderators, who are BT employees have posted on the forum numerous times acknowledging the problems and that the email team have pushed out updates and are working on further updates.

 Webmail migration update - BT Community

As regards your comments about BT sending out an email to their email customers and not communicating with their customers you would need to address that to BT not me.



Message 82 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Hi  gg30340

OK, I didn't know that BT moderators had posted - my mistake. 

Time will tell I suppose if the jumping cursor email  interface issue does get fixed. This still begs the question though as to why it wasn't picked up by proper testing, before the new email interface went live.



0 Ratings
Message 83 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

@orbis37 wrote:

Time will tell I suppose if the jumping cursor email  interface issue does get fixed. This still begs the question though as to why it wasn't picked up by proper testing, before the new email interface went live.


May be because of the same reason that I could not suggest a "fix". I do not have that problem and could not replicate it.

Message 84 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Thank you. No way i can remember all that info though and simply don't have time to look it up each time. There are also so many other problems that I have not mentioned. How did they get it so wrong?
0 Ratings
Message 85 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Something else with the new system, trying to move a message into a the sub folder of a separate folder is like a grade 5 task of a computer game. My settings also seem to change all by themselves too. Pictures randomly stop showing. I have to go to settings and toggle the feature on and off several times before it will come back to always show.
0 Ratings
Message 86 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

 How did they get it so wrong?

In the same way if you buy a new fridge from a local family run business, you'll get the correct item delivered, when they say, and the guys will bring in inside for you, dispose of the packing, and take away old appliance. This is their livelihood and they pay their mortgage from it. Whereas if you buy from a huge  electrical chain, you'll likely get the wrong fridge, delivered to your doorstep, and the guys will shrug shoulders & walk away - it's not their business, what do they care, they get paid one way or the other 🤣

Message 87 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

There Email system is still as rotten as the stuff that spurts out the end of a sewage pipe. Cursor still jumps up to the front of the Email. This was meant to be rectified in March at the start of this thread, but now nearly in mid July nothing has been done. Takes several minutes to login, and each time you need to sign in twice to log on, you cannot stay logged in. Awful column format, where you have to keep sliding the page across to read an Email. Can only delete 4 emails at a time, if you try to delete more it cancels the checked ones, and you are back having to start again. Whoever devised this foul system should be carted off by the men in white suits. They also have one of the worst ratings of any company on Trustpilot, and they cannot even be bothered to reply back to any of the comments, probably because there is so many! Would be interesting to get a response on this! 

Message 88 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I wonder what system you're using: my BT Webmail v3.6.0 version is now much better; just the occasional jumping cursor.
I think BT may have decided that the logging-out frequency is in line with other "on-trend" security measures?
0 Ratings
Message 89 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I have found the latest incarnation of BT Webmail impossible to print either single messages or message threads (using either Firefox or Microsoft Edge browsers).

0 Ratings
Message 90 of 107

Re: New BT Email format


I have found the latest incarnation of BT Webmail impossible to print either single messages or message threads (using either Firefox or Microsoft Edge browsers).

I use FireFox for WebMail and though I have numerous issues with 3.6.0, printing is not one. When you have the message you want displayed, and hit the 'print' option, exactly what happens?

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