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Message 11 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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Thanks for your message again. The moderator has been in touch and I have given him all the account details in a message. He said somone from the complaints dept would contact. I received a text notifying me to expect a call within a few minutes but this hasn't happened, It is like 6 hours later now. Appreciate your message, thank you
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Message 12 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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What really demonstrates a disconnect between BT & its customers is when a complaint is elevated, they promise a response in X amount of time, then fail to deliver.
Truly abysmal service.
Message 13 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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8.50 this morning, received a txt and the phone now works. My mum is connected again afer 7 days. I really do not know how some of you have coped without it for so long, 2 months in one case and so far 2 weeks in another case. Thank you to everyone on here for their concern and messages of help. I hope to hear more about my complaint regarding staff giving contradictory information.
Message 14 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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Morning, @zingerrob 

Thank you for coming back to let us know. I'm glad it's all sorted for you now.


Message 15 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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Glad that your mum's phone is now connected. Mine still isn't after 16 days - perhaps I should speak to the moderator!  The latest news is that someone will contact me within 48 working hours but I'm not holding my breath.

Message 16 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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Hi, thanks for your message, glad its all over here. I hope yours gets resolved quickly. Let us know what is happening.

(Contact the moderator)
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Message 17 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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My landline is now working!  Once they had passed the fault on to the relevant department, they fixed it minutes.  I told the technician about the problem with the "wrong" ethernet cable and she said that was irrelevant as any ethernet cable should work (confirming what gg30340 had said).  She also said that BT changing my number would have made no difference.  I am still waiting for them to reinstate my original number which might take up to 5 days.

When I pursue this complaint a key question is why it took 2 weeks for the problem to be escalated to the team who could actually deal with it.


Message 18 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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Thanks for coming back to let us know, @Stuart99 

I'm sorry for your experience with this, I'm glad it seems to be working now. Hopefully, that number change will go through soon. Please keep us updated.


Message 19 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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Not out of the woods yet! Anyone know how to get Caller Display working again? I'm just getting 'Incoming Call"

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Message 20 of 24

Re: Awful Inhumane Service - New Fibre Service - No Landline for 1 week - Vulnerable adult

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Good point, I had the same experience on the third call. I'll escalate it I was also told. Should have been escalated much sooner for you