Message 1 of 7

BT Advanced Digital Handset

SO I've looked everywhere on using the top button that has a red circle with a red cross in it - I believe it is the Call Protect Button on the BT Advanced Digital Handset.

The issue is the guidance provided by BT seems incorrect.

I've just had another spam phone call.  Normally I dial 1572, add it to the blocked caller list and then have to confirm it, whilst waiting for all the dialogue, which is getting tiresome.

So today after another spam call, I tried pressing the red Call Protect Button.  Not sure what happened but I assumed the call ended and it would add the caller to my blocked list - NOT SO!

After a few minutes I noticed the display still had Call Protect on and the Red End Call button was highlighted.  So it had not done anything.  I hung up the call and checked online under my call protect settings and sure enough the last number was NOT there.  This is quite annoying, especially as BT say whilst on a call you press the button to add it to your blacklist which evidently does not work.


I had to again dial in and use the wretched menu system to manually add the number, the wait until she reads the number back then confirm - totally frustrating.  Only then when I again refreshed the call protect list on the website was the number added.

So I want to know what is the point of this button?  It does absolutely nothing!


As per the user manual for the handset I quote:
"Call Protect
From the home screen, press to go into
your junk voicemail (1572).
When the phone rings or while on a
call, press to block the number and
add it to your Personal Blacklist."

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Message 2 of 7

Re: BT Advanced Digital Handset

More to the point, what is the point of adding callers to a block list. Every time the spammers call they use a different number, the list is infinite. The only way to block spammers is by whitelisting allowed numbers rather than trying to blacklist an infinite amount of numbers. Genuine callers not on the whitelist will announce themselves.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: BT Advanced Digital Handset

I agree, but I'd really like somebody to try and answer the question concerning the actual button, because there are occasions to block numbers that are not spammers.


I can usually spot the spam numbers immediately, but in the last few weeks they have literally started to spoof local numbers using local area codes to us!  So this now makes it even more difficult to distinguish.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: BT Advanced Digital Handset

P.18 of the manual implies that button behaviour varies depending on when it's pressed.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: BT Advanced Digital Handset

That's the bit that failed miserably item 2).

How do I block calls or send them to voicemail?  There are three ways you can block calls.Block a number before answering it:
1) Press as the incoming call rings. Your phone will go hands-free and you’ll hear it add the number to your Personal Blacklist.

2 Block the number during the call Press during the call. The number will go to your Personal Blacklist.

3 Block the number after the call Press and follow the steps to add  the last incoming number to your Personal Blacklist.

As said, I answered the call, recognised it as a spammer, then pressed the Call Protect button and it did not add it to my blacklists after checking via web interface under my account.  The display remained showing 'Call Protect' and the Red 'Hang Up Call' button was illuminated, so I don't know if the spammer was still on the line or not until I manually pressed to end the call.

Not very impressed to be honest if in order to block a call I've got to go through all the menu settings and options manually which kind of defeats the object.

I guess it's a call to BT, not that I'm expecting they'll do anything about it.

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Message 6 of 7

Re: BT Advanced Digital Handset


Not really that 'helpful' but just to say that I have blocked many spam callers using my Advanced Digital Handset and it works for me exactly as stated it should. In your case, while in a call, press the button and it interrupts the call, adding the number automatically to the block list.

So yes, not sure why it doesn't work for yourself, but I wanted to at least assure you that it 'does work' - it's not a redundant or useless button. It is, unfortunately, just not working for you… so a call to BT might be the way to go.

Message 7 of 7

Re: BT Advanced Digital Handset

Thanks for confirming that.  At least I know it should work.

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