Hi. I have a Z Quad phone/answerphone. Does anybody know if there is a limit as how many number/symbols you can put in the handset? I tried to enter the remote smart divert code which is 33 digits long. I could only get to 31 and the handset stopped accepting. Has anybody else had any problems or know of a fix? Thank you.
Welcome to this user forum for BT Residential phone and broadband customers.
Not sure what you mean by "remote smart divert code" as that does not sound like a residential feature, as divert is normally a short code, followed by the number you want to divert it to.
You may like to ask product support, as listed in the mauual https://www.bt.com/content/dam/bt/help/legacy-ug/phones/Advanced%20Phone%20Z%20Quick%20Set-up%20and%...
My BT4500 is also limited to 31 characters, so looks like a general BT limitation.
Smart Divert appears to be a Business product, so maybe ask over there for suggestions:
I have another BT line which has the ability to do remote diverting. The code is like this *44*????*???????????*???????????# totaling 33 digits. The fist 4 ? is the pin number and the other two ? are the respective phone numbers, namely the one we wish to divert and then the number to be diverted to. When I try to set this up the handset stops accepting number at 31 and does not take the last two. It seems like there is a block on the number of digits. Thanks