Our Digital Voice system was set up by a BT engineer and we have one extension - approved by the engineer.
We can pick calls up on either the ‘main’ phone and the extension. However, our system does not allow us to ‘transfer’ an incoming call from the main phone to the extension - or vice-versa.
To illustrate; a call comes in and both the main and the extension phones ring. Then, once the call has been answered on either of them, it can’t be heard on the other one, which just emits a long tone.
Our set-up was approved by the engineer at the time of his installing the Digital Voice System, so can we sort out the issue ourselves or do we need to call an engineer?
I suspect one phone is a Digital Voice handset and the other an analogue phone connected to the hub via the green socket. If this is the case, there is no connectivity between the 2. Calls can be answered on either system but can't be picked up by the other.
Hi again Licquorice
Would you be kind enough to advise me on how to overcome this problem ?
When the engineer visited (see my earlier reply!), he left a second hub - the same type as the one he attached to our phone.
Could this second hub be used to solve the issue - and, if so, how?
Unfortunately, you can't overcome this problem. If you could I would have explained how.
It is a function of the design bizarrely.
The only workaround is to only use either DV handsets or analogue handsets only and not a mixture of the 2.
You can't have 2 hubs on one line, it wouldn't solve the problem even if you could.
So, the easy solution is to buy a BT Essential Digital Home for just under £30 to use as your extension phone which will enable you to answer calls on either handset and which will then allow you to transfer them from one to the other.