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BT Freelance XT 3500 Twin - Answer machine

I have the BT XT 3500 and asking as a last dash attempt to retrieve some answer machine messages.

The base unit has no light on after being unplugged by a painter and decorator.  The phones say 'searching', and emit periodic beeps. I cannot register or de-register the handsets, they just emit three beeps.  

I am trying to see if there is any way that some answer machine messages are still held on the device.  Have tried 1571 and now need to reset the pin which there is no option for on the phone.

Is there any way I can purchase a new base, and ask a clever electrician to transfer a chip from the existing base to a new one, with messages intact?

I know it's a long shot, but the messages are from a since deceased person and I would love to hear them again. Any advice would be appreciated.


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Message 2 of 2

Re: BT Freelance XT 3500 Twin - Answer machine

First thing to check is that the AC adaptor hasn't been mixed  up with another device. It  should look like this:


If it is correct then check the cabling for damage. You could try search for a replacement using part no. 052299. But it may also be easier/more economical to source  a complete base, as you suggested.

If that doesn't work then it may be possible to get the original repaired, as it should only be a power supply circuit fault. You'd probably need to scour a few electronics repair forums to find someone willing to take it on. Good luck.