I've had caller ID on my land line phone for the last 15 years, and it always worked fine.
Since the switch to digital voice the number / name of an incoming caller flashes up on the phone for about 1/2 a second or less, and then just says 'External call'. If I don't happen to be right in front of the phone to see the ID immediately I have no idea who's calling.
After a call I can get the phone to display the name / number, so it does seem to be receiving the ID, just not displaying it while I have the option to take the call or not!
Is this a known issue, and how can I fix it?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Dear Moderators,
Are any of you able to answer my question?
If not, can you please suggest how I should go about getting the answer!
Hi @Piers66,
Thanks for visiting the BT Community.
How is your digital voice setup, do you have a digital voice handset connected wirelessly or do you have an older phone wired to a digital adaptor or directly into your router?
It's a BT Esprit 1250 base unit plugged directly into the phone socket on the back of the router.
@Piers66 Thanks for confirming, do you have any other phones in the house to be able to test to see if it is an issue at the phones end or with your caller display service?
Caller display does still show within your products in your MYBT account?
I only have the one base unit, but I also have a satellite of a much older model (the charger base says Diverse 4000). I stopped using the satellite phone to answer calls as it had a bad habit of cutting me off immediately, and it doesn't actually ring, but curiously it does continue to hold the incoming caller number on its display while the main phone is ringing.
Presumably this demonstrates I must have caller display in my products, though I struggled to find it listed anywhere.
I logged in to MyBT on the web, and clicked on the menu item for 'Your products', then 'Digital Voice' on the sub menu. There was no mention of caller ID, though somewhere I managed to find a page where I could add/remove features from my account, and on that page caller ID was highlighted as something I could remove. I'm afraid I can't now go back and find it because I'm getting "Access denied" or "We’re trying to fix the problem at the moment. Please come back later." on most of the pages on the site!
@Piers66 Yeah based on what you have found it does sound like the caller display feature is active currently.
At this stage I would recommend reaching out to one of our technical guides when you get a chance, for some further help. They can run some checks on your account to investigate the issue further, the number to call is 0330 1234 150.