Message 1 of 14

Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

Prior to having Digital Voice I had number with held.

Since DV I have tried on 4 or 5 occasions to get this reinstated.  Always assuming it has and then suddenly finding out it hasn.t.  I was assured it had be sorted in May and yesterday I found it hadn't.

While I understand  can place 141 in front when I dial I have just thought there was no need.

Spoke to EE yesterday and he thought maybe it was down to it being wireless and would look into it.

Getting a bit frustrated.

Any ideas please.

P.S I was migrated from BT to EE May......can I still use this forum.

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Message 2 of 14

Re: Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

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Message 3 of 14

Re: Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

No. EE have their own community https://community.ee.co.uk/ 

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Message 4 of 14

Re: Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

Thank you for telling me  I cant post on here!!

Firstly I had no choice than to migrate to EE -I had nothing to do with it, loyal BT customer for many years even prior to me even having broadband. secondly the problem arose when I was at BT, and thirdly I was told BT is now EE only yesterday.

I have for many years used this forum and now it seems I can't.

Maybe I can ask how I get back to BT and how I get my old landline and ditch Digital Voice.


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Message 5 of 14

Re: Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

Try checking on your account settings.

EE's Digital Voice runs on a similar platform to BT's Digital Voice and here's how you would adjust that setting for BT digital voice customers: https://www.bt.com/help/landline/digital-voice--how-do-i-use-my-calling-features-#:~:text=Managing%2....

Afraid you won't be able to go back to an analogue phone service as that's closing by January 2027 and everyone is moving to an internet based phone service such as Digital Voice. Since September 2023 no new customers or customers making changes/renewing their package can get a analogue phone service anymore.

Message 6 of 14

Re: Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

Sadly the options to reach number with held differs- it mentions going through caller protect tile - which then says there is a fault - and service is not working - so sadly cant get any further.

I have made a complaint to EE which I hope will sort this out.

Thank you for explaining about BT EE.   I did actually have BT install digital voice prior to Sept 23 .

My migration to EE happened when I negotiated a new contract in May 24.  At the time I did not understand that I was not remaining with BT.  

Thank you


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Message 7 of 14

Re: Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

AFAIR, permanent number withheld was not a customer selected option in that you could not add and remove it yourself, it was an administrator function, you called ‘BT’ and they set it at an exchange level , you the user could then override it on a per call basis if you wanted the Calling Line identity to be forwarded…..has this administration function been included with DV ? , it may not be ,not every function that was on PSTN is on DV , but DV has some functions not available on PSTN , it’s possible that the administration option to set it automatically for every call was not carried over to DV , in which case , you would need to inhibit CLI on a per call basis , or store contacts with ‘ 141’ as a prefix .

It possible that the customer service reps , may never have had to set up permanent number withheld on PSTN lines , let alone DV , so relatively new customer service reps may have no experience or understanding what this facility is .

Message 8 of 14

Re: Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

I think that you are 100% correct - I feel that the service agents have little idea of what I am talking about.  Many ask it is call barring and say I have call protect.

I try to expalin it is not to bar the call - but to not show my number.  I finish the call by thinking I either am using the wrong words to describe problem., or should just place 141 in front numbers......but the problem with this - I have been told several times it will be reinstated in 24 hours.

Thank you for your reply

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Message 9 of 14

Re: Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

When you were a BT customer, it’s probable the BT Mod would offer to help and endeavour to find out if permanent number withhold is even possible on DV , by making enquiries, and potentially spending much more time doing this than a regular ( time pressured ) BT Guide , but as you are now EE , you could use their forum to ask the same question .
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Message 10 of 14

Re: Can anyone tell me how to install number with held -previously had

I have made a complaint direct to EE - so hopefully this will rectify it - if not I will try forum of EE


Thank you

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