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Message 41 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones

While BT may not be responsible for my home telephone extension, their introduction of Digital Voice has stopped it from working, requiring me to fix it at my expense and in my time.

BT are very clearly aware of the issues they are causing by switching customers to Digital, but have chosen not to offer a simple solution.  A new handset or an adapter do not work for getting all my equipment up and working though my extension sockets and despite them having a solution to enable the extensions connected into the master socket, they choose not to do this.

Recently a Northern Power issue cause a power cut to damage my home alarm system. They didn't install or maintain this system - it had nothing to do with them, but they did arrange for the affected circuit board to be replaced.

If BT want to burry their head in the sand, in the same way as you seem to think they should, shouting "not my fault, nothing to do with me" then in my opinion they are not providing good customer support.


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