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Message 1 of 41

Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones

I have received an email from BT saying that they are changing to digital voice and to plug the phone into the back of the hub.

This is fine except that I have the hub and master socket in my study and no phone, my main phone a cordless answer phone is downstairs plugged into an extension socket.

I don't want to change where my phones are so how am I going to connect them.

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Message 2 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones


You simply disconnect the extension wiring from the master socket, and connect it to the socket on the back of the smart hub 2, and it will just work as it did before.


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Message 3 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones

@Keith_Beddoe  I don't have an extension plugged into the master socket to unplug, the wiring is from the back of the main socket to the extension socket.

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Message 4 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones

The extension should be connected to the back of the removable front faceplate of your master socket, it should not have been wired to the back A and B connections.

What does your master phone socket look like?




The only other option is to request a BT Digital Voice adapter, and plug that in where your phone is connected to, provided its within range of the DECT bas station inside the smart hub 2.

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Message 5 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones

@Keith_Beddoeit is 6 but the extension wiring is hard wired to the removable phone section so nothing to plug in and would not reach anyway.

Thank you for the information on the adapter that should work I just did not know they existed, hopefully if I order one it will arrive before change over.

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Message 6 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones


The BT Digital Voice Adapter is supplied free from BT, once you get the notification that you are being changed over. Another forum member who already has DV, may be able to direct you to the correct page to request the adapter.

There is an info page here


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Message 7 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones

@Keith_Beddoe  Thank you, since I started posting I received a SMS and it had info to send ADAPTER so I did, hopefully it worked as I have not received any acknowledgement.

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Message 8 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones

I would read the FAQ as they might help with queries once connected

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Message 9 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones

@imjolly  Interesting this is my situation almost, hopefully an adapter will work I assume if an extension socket is needed BT will fit it FOC.

"This is more complicated if broadband service is still delivered via the copper pair as the incoming wires cannot be disconnected and the hub still needs to connect to the master socket. It will require a new extension socket to be fitted adjacent to the master socket and the extension wiring transferred to it. This new socket can then be connected to the green socket on the hub as with FTTP."

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Message 10 of 41

Re: Digital Voice - How to connect existing phones

@Bob1001 wrote:

@imjolly  Interesting this is my situation almost, hopefully an adapter will work I assume if an extension socket is needed BT will fit it FOC.

I would doubt it as internal wiring is your responsibility

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