BT emailed me telling me to be ready for the digital switch, and today they texted me asking to reply to an SMS short code.
I'm unable and unwilling to reply to this text as its chargeable, how to I tell them I'm ready? The text asks you to reply with READY.
Seems a bizarre way to contact me, why not do it via my online account.
Can anyone here help?
I do not know the answer, but in your position I would do absolutely nothing (and not text back Ready) as the later you move to digital voice the better even if they have already sent you a hub 2 with port at the back in which to plug your telephone.
@Jane2018 not everyone is concerned about the move to digital voice and wants to prolong the changeover like you
Have BT already provided you with an SH2 hub? Digital Voice won't work without one.
I don't recall being asked to reply to any text message before my switchover, I simply received a date when the change would be made and that was it.
I received my ‘DV’ messages via email , it could be you have selected SMS as the primary way you want BT to contact you .
FWIW , I never had to reply ‘ready’ , in fact I was a little tardy and still had my old router connected after the date the change to DV was scheduled, they sent an email saying ‘don’t forget to connect your new equipment’ , when I did , this new router must have been ‘detected’ as the change to DV took place within minutes after connecting the SH2.
I don't think replying to the texts is actually chargeable, it's just that phone settings & your BT account recognise that the number is of the type that is often chargeable. IIRC in order to reply, you have to alter your phone settings to allow premium texts & also have a spending cap above £0 on your account.
If you don't want to do that then I guess the only other option is the regular CS number.