Message 1 of 26

Digital phone interface with mobile phones

I have recently complained that members of my family who are using Sky simms can’t contact my home landline; this has been acknowledged as BT have offered to release me from my contract . We have also had problems when using mobile phones within the house which we never use to have ; I’ve just realised that moving away from digital phone’s helps improve our mobile reception. This really does put a large question mark over  “Digital Phone”. My wife and I never had to move around the house to obtain good mobile reception in the past  so something has changed. I’ve been contacted by another community member who has problems with mobile phones contacting her landline BT staff have all tried to help me but none have managed to resolve the Sky to landline issues.

Steve B

Happy new year  

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Message 2 of 26

Re: Digital phone interface with mobile phones

There are other posts where customers moving to DV have problems receiving calls from people using sky mobile.  This is currently being investigated.  However this does not happen to everyone who moves to DV and question is why is the problem associated with sky mobile.

I am on DV and my wife and I use SKY mobile and don't have any problems calling my home number.  Sooner BT find the problem and fix it the better as more and more move to DV 

I do find it really odd that you have problems with your mobiles when close to DV phones as DV uses dect and your mobiles are using either WiFi calling or 4/5g to make calls


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Message 3 of 26

Re: Digital phone interface with mobile phones


Has the family members also raised the issue with Sky? As it needs both BT and Sky to look into the matter to help resolve. It could be an issue on either side of the providers network.


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Message 4 of 26

Re: Digital phone interface with mobile phones

Hi , many thanks for your reply. It’s a pity as I do not want the hassle of moving to a different provider.At 75 it’s important that the 4 know members of my family who are on Sky can contact my landline. I honestly believed that this issue would be escalated as a priority  but to just release me from my contacts gives the message that the problem is insurmountable. 
we have definitely noticed difficulties with the reception of our mobile reception (EE and O2) I will only be able to test this by changing my provider.

many thanks

steve B

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Message 5 of 26

Re: Digital phone interface with mobile phones

Yes , Sky was the first call I made . They told me to contact bt. I’m paying for a service and do not wish to be passed round in circles. If it’s a Sky problem Bt should take this up with Sky directly or vice Verda. 

many thanks 

Seve B

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Message 6 of 26

Re: Digital phone interface with mobile phones

From previous posts on various sky/BT problems the reply from Sky is always contact BT never we will look into it.  Your problem could be BT but just as easy be a SKY problem.  As I posted I have DV and use SKY mobile and do not have any problems as you describe

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Message 7 of 26

Re: Digital phone interface with mobile phones

Thanks for your reply ; either way as I’m paying for a service please explain why I should have to sort out who is at fault Sky or BT ?

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Message 8 of 26

Re: Digital phone interface with mobile phones


It is not up to you to sort out your problem but it needs both BT and SKY to acknowledge you have a problem and should work together to solve it. 

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Message 9 of 26

Re: Digital phone interface with mobile phones

Hi , absolutely spot on . Thank for your support.

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Message 10 of 26

Re: Digital phone interface with mobile phones

Although I agree that BT as your provider have a responsibility to you , your relatives that are Sky mobile customers should be thinking that Sky have a responsibility to them, in other words your ‘complaint’ , that ‘Sky customers cannot contact my landline’  , is no more valid than the Sky customer stating ( to Sky ), ‘ I cannot contact a BT landline ‘ and you state that simply was dismissed by Sky as ‘contact BT’ , presumably you at least concede BT haven’t taken the apparent Sky attitude of saying ‘ Sky problem, contact Sky’.

If a letter were posted to you from  ( for example ) America, but did not  arrive, immediately assuming that the letter delivery must have failed in the UK , because the American carrier said so , could be a little naive, did the letter ever leave the American ‘network’ and make it into the British one , you cannot deliver something you never have possession of.
Interconnectivity between networks , landline , VoIP , mobile is complicated and ( obviously ) requires multiple provider ‘inputs’ when calls transit across disparate networks.

Sky mobile is a MVNO , basically Sky use O2 , they don’t have their own mobile network, even if your issues started when you were converted by BT to DV from PSTN  , it’s  possible that Sky /O2 have network/data changes to make in their own network but it’s also possible that Sky/O2 have done whatever is necessary, (which may be nothing)  , and the problem is entirely within BT , but unless you have an intimate understanding of the way these interconnections are handled  , it’s pure speculation where problem is .

There have been examples, not involving DV , where calls from everywhere to a BT customer are successful , apart from one network provider ( that may encompass more than one provider , like Sky and O2 , and any other MVNO on O2 ) but BT offer a penalty free exit , not as an admission that they are at fault , but accepting that BT cannot effect data changes in other operators networks, and if this other network insists there is no error and doesn’t cooperate in investigation where the error is , there isn’t much BT can do about that, and at least are not holding onto a customer that has a known issue that proves to be ‘impossible’ to resolve.

I must stress, I’m not blaming Sky , I’m simply suggesting that as we have no way of knowing the intricacies of network routing , we cannot really apportion blame.