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Message 1 of 199

Digital voice and power cuts.

Hi, I am about to be switched over to Digital Voice, and my concern is what I am I supposed to do in a power cut? I live in a very rural village where all services are overhead lines, and power cuts can be quite regular during storms etc. Mobile phones only get a signal via WiFi calling, and do not work during a power cut.

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198 REPLIES 198
Message 2 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

Your only option is to use a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) for your SH2 router and ONT.  If the ONT and SH2 are not co-located you’ll have to get a UPS for each device. I don’t have Digital Voice yet but my SH2 and ONT which are not co-located are powered via seperate UPS’s and I know from the odd power cuts I’ve suffered the system performs as expected. My SH2 UPS in made by APC and supports several devices. My ONT is powered via a very small UPS, the ONT mains power powers the 12 volt UPS which in turn feeds the ONT. A search on a well know online store for “mini UPS” will lead you to what I mean.   The white one is the unit I have and will power the ONT for several hours. A UPS for the HUB will be a little more expensive but most of the small UPS units will have enough battery power to power the hub for at least 20 minutes, probably longer if you only power the hub via the UPS.

Hope this helps.

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Message 3 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.


Your only option is to use a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) for your SH2 router and ONT.  If the ONT and SH2 are not co-located you’ll have to get a UPS for each device. I don’t have Digital Voice yet but my SH2 and ONT which are not co-located are powered via seperate UPS’s and I know from the odd power cuts I’ve suffered the system performs as expected. My SH2 UPS in made by APC and supports several devices. My ONT is powered via a very small UPS, the ONT mains power powers the 12 volt UPS which in turn feeds the ONT. A search on a well know online store for “mini UPS” will lead you to what I mean.   The white one is the unit I have and will power the ONT for several hours. A UPS for the HUB will be a little more expensive but most of the small UPS units will have enough battery power to power the hub for at least 20 minutes, probably longer if you only power the hub via the UPS.

Hope this helps.

Echoing the concerns of the OP it seems like BT haven't thought this through at all but intend to force a change on my house that: 

a) will cut us off during power cuts with no emergency call option

b) has other issues (I'll try to find relevant threads for)

c) has no option to say no, at best an option to delay if we have a phone connected Burglar Alarm (we don't)

However it appears that when the consultation was going on (can't recall being invited to comment) BT responded to OfCom in effect saying Ofcom could proceed assuming BT would provide Uninterruptible Power supplies to domestic consumers - see paragraph 25 here: 

'25. While the spirit of the guidance is technology-neutral, we believe that initially most CPs
are likely to offer a battery backup solution.'

Seems BT later decided to renege on this, however OfCom don't seem to have agreed as this is what OfCom are currently saying 

'Ofcom rules mean providers must take all necessary measures to ensure their customers can call the emergency services during a power cut. So these companies will need to put additional protections in place as they move to new broadband-based call technology.'

So I plan to say 'no thanks BT' 

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Message 4 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

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Message 5 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.



This is BTs option

I would hope that its loaned, on request.

I am also concerned about this having just been informed that I will be switched over to DV soon.

The mobile signal indoors is so bad where I live that all calls are routed via my broadband connection, this of course means no broadband - no phone calls in or out, emergency or otherwise.

Perhaps @SeanD  or one of the other mods could confirm that standby UPS's or Battery Backup Units (perhaps something along the lines of the BBU used to power the ONT for FVA) will be made available free of charge to all on DV?


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Message 6 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

The real question is whether BT or any other provider, should be responsible for providing backup power, as mains power is in the power company`s domain.

Many people already use cordless (DECT) phones, which do not work during a power cut, but you do not hear any people complaining about that.

I doubt that BT are going to provide the backup units to everyone, unless there is a genuine need, like an alarm system.

Where I live, (for 40 years) its not unusual to get a number of power interruptions throughout the year due to old joints failing, or a substation fuse failing. I have a UPS to keep the PC stuff and broadband equipment running.

Message 7 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

Hi Everyone.

I found the following info on the help pages Digital Voice: Will my service work in a power cut?

There's also quite a bit of useful info on the Digital voice migrations FAQ's



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Message 8 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.


The real question is whether BT or any other provider, should be responsible for providing backup power, as mains power is in the power company`s domain.

Many people already use cordless (DECT) phones, which do not work during a power cut, but you do not hear any people complaining about that.

I doubt that BT are going to provide the backup units to everyone, unless there is a genuine need, like an alarm system.

Where I live, (for 40 years) its not unusual to get a number of power interruptions throughout the year due to old joints failing, or a substation fuse failing. I have a UPS to keep the PC stuff and broadband equipment running.

For many years BT required that you have at least one phone connected that would still work in a power cut.  In fact I still thought that was so and maintain one connected to this day.

I've heard DECT phone users complain many times and have always told them it's their own fault

But this is to digress, BT appear to be in default of OfCom's requirements and their own promises to OfCom and as per the leaflet I received today and the links Neil has provided BT are very much trying to hide this.   Not good form.

The Ofcom link I posted was last July and is their most recent pronouncement on the topic.  It doesn't mince its words with that 'providers must take all necessary measures to ensure their customers can call the emergency services during a power cut' does it.


Message 9 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.



This is BTs option

I would hope that its loaned, on request.

Thanks for that, unfortunately it says 'non FTTP' and guess what we are?  Yes FTTP.  And since they put our Home Hub at the furthest wall to our living room I'd need a further back up source for the Digital Voice Adapter (not that I think that'll work for us looking at other threads) 

And a loan woud have to be for the duration of the phone contract with BT.

This whole Digital Voice fiasco looks like it is designed to kill off normal phones in some hope we'll all take up mobile contracts with BT.  Well that isn't going to happen for us.  We do have mobile phones but not all masts have back up power.

Still if I wanted a new career in burglary from 2025 I now know the best times, just wait for a power cut as no one can call the police.

Message 10 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

@Stevek1311  There is a drop down option to change from the Non to the FTTP version - the select box just under the price

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