Message 1 of 10

Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

We have  Relate 80 handsets in two different rooms and, before signing up for Digital Voice , we could both listen to the same in-coming call from different rooms. To access  Digital Voice we received two adaptors for the Relate 80 handsets and both are operational but only one of us can listen to an in-coming call, the other handset just gives the dialling tone. Is there some magical setting which enables an in-coming call to be heard on both handsets at the same time?

(I know that the handsets are ancient but they work well enough)

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

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Message 3 of 10

Re: Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

There are 2 solutions.

1. Utilise your existing extension sockets rather than using the adapters. If you have full fibre to the house, this can be achieved by simply disconnecting the old incoming copper wires from the master socket and then connecting the master socket to the green phone socket at the rear of the hub with a double ended BT431 cord. If still on copper, it is a little more complicated to rewire the existing extension sockets.

2. The default on Digital Voice is to have multi call enabled, which means you can make 2 calls simultaneously. This needs to be changed to Single call to enable both handsets to use the same line. Unfortunately, this can only be changed by using a Digital Voice handset! A very poor design failing.


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Message 4 of 10

Re: Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

I don't follow (1) sorry. How does connecting the SH2 to the de-wired master socket then feed to the OP's extension sockets which presumable were plugged into the master socket a bit like mine currently on Copper? 

I feel dense today.

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Message 5 of 10

Re: Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

All internal wiring still exists, just the incoming wires from the exchange disconnected. The extension sockets are not 'plugged into' the master socket, they are hard wired (or at least normally are).

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Message 6 of 10

Re: Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

Ah I see. My two extensions (one no longer used) are plugged into the Master socket so not ideal but it works. 

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Message 7 of 10

Re: Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

Thank you for taking time to address my problem. We do not yet have full fibre, which appears to rule out Solution 1.

I wonder if I can solve the problem as follows. I have a splitter (1 to 2) which, in the past, we used to plug one end into the wall socket and  then use each of the other sockets for a handset in different places. Can I plug the splitter into the home phone adaptor with one handset plugged into one of the splitter sockets and the other handset via a long extension lead into the second splitter socket?

I have tried to connect the two handsets in this way just now and we can each speak and listen to the other handset but as yet we have had no calls to test if this will work with an outside call coming in. Your expert view would be greatly appreciated. Again thanks for your help.

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Message 8 of 10

Re: Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

Option 1 is still possible but is not quite as simple to implement.

Your solution will work.

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 10

Re: Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

Thanks. I will give it a try.

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Message 10 of 10

Re: Digital voice using Relate 80 handsets

Thinking about this further, I'm not sure if either option 1 or your solution will work.

I think you will need to disable the multi call option for any solution to work.

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