does anyone have advice-my elderly vulnerable parents are due to have a landline and phone package start today-I specifically requested BT assist them to install everything as they are unable to do this themselves. I was reassured this would happen. They have had no phone for several weeks now due to moving to a care home.
it looks like there will be no one calling to help them install any of the package as this isn’t mentioned on their account. they are just supposed to connect the hub apparently-they will not be able to do this.
We are over an hour away and I cannot drive due to disability and I cannot keep phoning BT to try to get information as I never get through.
is there any help available for vulnerable people? I don’t know how to resolve this.
have your parents registered here
See https://community.bt.com/t5/Home-phone-including-Digital/Elderly-parents-landline/m-p/2375918#M96673
I assume this is related, so a moderator is already involved.
I assume this installation is going to be in the care home.