Message 11 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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As I want to eliminate all WiFi signal, and turning it off through the settings may not stop the DRCT signal

You can turn off the wifi from your HH. I did, so that the Netgear devices can flood my property with MESH wifi.


Nearly all modem/router devices come with wifi. I doubt if you will find much difference in their "leakage".



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Message 12 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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Thank you for pointing that out! BUT, as BT/EE is my service provider, I had hoped that some of the people posting may be so kind as to help me to connect a tplink router to the BT/EE broadband that I am paying for. I'd like to thank all of those who have replied and provided help and useful information to me so far.
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Message 13 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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There is absolutely nothing stopping you connecting your TP link router but it is IMPOSSIBLE to also have Digital voice if you do. Your choice as to which you want. You can ask as many times as you like, the answer won't change.

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Message 14 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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My first question was  how to connect up the router to the internet, and that was achieved thanks to the help I received. My next question, a day or so later was to ask how to to get the phone to work. Again, very quickly, the help I received made me aware that it it impossible to access a digital phone service unless I use the BT/EE router. I have the answers to these questions now, and would like again to thank those on the forum who provided information useful to me.

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Message 15 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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My first question was  how to connect up the router to the internet, and that was achieved thanks to the help I received. My next question, a day or so later was to ask how to to get the phone to work.

  1. Use your HomeHub to connect to the Internet
  2. Get the phone to work with Digital Voice on that.
  3. Set up the second router in the HH's DMZ

Hard to know why you need the second router if you are allergic to wifi. The HH can do all that you need, including turning off the wifi.



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Message 16 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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I think you are missing the point.

The OP doesn't want a second router, he wants a router that he can turn off all wireless signals.

Although you can turn off WiFi on the SH2, it is not possible to turn off the DECT signal which is, of course, a wireless signal.

Message 17 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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Many thanks for your reply. There are two reasons I want to use a different router. Firstly, I believe that even with WiFi turned off, the DECT signal still goes out from the BT/EE router. Secondly, the tplink router has a button to turn off all WiFi signals. If I can find out how, I will close the questions I have posted as I have now got the answers, although not all of them were what I wanted to hear.

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Message 18 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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Link the Smart Hub 2 to the TP-Link, so you can get a wired connection for Digital Voice, and then put the SH2 in a Faraday cage.

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Message 19 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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Although you can turn off WiFi on the SH2, it is not possible to turn off the DECT signal which is, of course, a wireless signal.

I get it now. That's what they meant by "DRCT signal".

DECT I understand. Great technology.

Always helps to have accurate details to go on.

It must be hard trying to create a completely wireless free environment these days.

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Message 20 of 20

Re: Getting DV on Full Fibre using non BT router

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I'll try that. Many thanks

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