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Message 1 of 3

I would like my elderly mum to keep the same landline number when I move in with my BT package.


I have just made arrangements via BT to transfer my BT broadband/wifi/phone package to my elderly mother's house as I am moving in with her.

She has an existing landline, she has no other BT products in the house, and I need to move my existing package as I am still in contract and will require Wifi. This will require the landline to be part of my account. I don't use a landline so I don't need it personally, but she does.

However, I have been told that there is only a 50% chance that she will keep her phone number even though it's the same house. She is 90 and I know it will send her into a panic if she has to change her phone number as she's had it for about 50 years. The lady I spoke with did tell me there was nothing that could be done, and she was efficient and I am sure she would know if there was anything, but I just wanted to double check that there isn't something to at least increase the odds of her keeping her current number. We would be willing to pay if needs be.

Any advice please?

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Message 2 of 3

Re: I would like my elderly mum to keep the same landline number when I move in with my BT package.

Ask about getting a second line at your mother's house. This would give you a line of your own with all your package  rather than using her line which would leave her line/phone as is.

It might not be possible but if you don't ask you will never know.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: I would like my elderly mum to keep the same landline number when I move in with my BT package.

Although you are moving into your mothers address , as far as the process is concerned you may as well be moving into a strangers house ,  instead of a second line for your broadband,  which is probably what  you should have enquired about , ( but it  would be more expensive, you paying for a line and broadband and your mum continuing to pay for her line ) but you are taking over her  existing line , and adding broadband to it , if this were a strangers house you wouldn’t want the phone number they had , plus in many cases the existing occupant moving out  would want to take the number with them anyway ( if that were possible ) .

Its almost certain that your mum will get a ‘sorry to see you leave’  letter confirming her service is going to stop , and your provider , ( even both are  BT )  will provide your broadband service with a different phone number , that’s what happens , the other option would be to add broadband to your mothers line , but then you may be liable for early termination charges at your old address if you were in contract , plus obviously the amount your mum would pay would increase to cover the broadband 


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