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Message 1 of 9

Inability to cancel call divert

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Despite cancelling call divert on my digital phones and on the BT Web page I am still having my calls diverted. I have spent about three hours talking to BT about this with them trying various codes and techniques; they seem unable to cancel the divert. If I check divert, or my account, it is stated that call divert is not enabled. I have disconnected hubs and applied every code possible to cancel call divert but I am still receiving diverted calls. Has anybody got any suggestions. Perhaps the only alternative is to cancel my BT account?

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Message 2 of 9

Re: Inability to cancel call divert

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Hi @Stiltsel, did you manage to get the divert cancelled?

All about Call Diversion for Digital Voice | BT Help

Have you tried to set up the divert again and then cancel it to see if that works?

The codes to cancel the diverts are:

  • To switch off "divert all calls" dial: # 21 #
  • To switch off a diversion you've set up for calls you don't manage to answer within 15 seconds dial: # 61 #
  • To switch off a diversion you've set up when your phone is engaged dial: # 67 #



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Message 3 of 9

Re: Inability to cancel call divert

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Thank you for your suggestions. I have already tried the various codes a number of times. I have now set up call divert again on my phone  to see if I can then cancel it using the cancel codes on my phone or through the BT Web page for my account. I will be interested to see if that works and also if it tells me that call diversion is in place when I do a check call. (At the moment despite the calls being diverted to my mobile the check calls state that call diversion is not enabled!) I will give it a few days to settle down before I try cancelling it.



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Message 4 of 9

Re: Inability to cancel call divert

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If a line is on divert the normal way of alerting the user to this , is by having interrupted dialtone , so if a call is made the user knows the incoming side of the service has been modified in some way , is your ‘dialtone’ interrupted ?
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Message 5 of 9

Re: Inability to cancel call divert

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If you mean the dialtone on the wifi (landline number) phone which is being diverted to my mobile number then no it is not interrupted although calls to that landline number are still being diverted to my mobile number.
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Message 6 of 9

Re: Inability to cancel call divert

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You can't cancel Call Divert, it's included with Digital Voice, you can opt to not have it active though.
Cancelling Call Divert with an active divert can leave the divert rules active but then no feature to manage it.

If you have calls being diverted, you want the Call Divert added, then you can remove any rules setup that are diverting the calls.

Message 7 of 9

Re: Inability to cancel call divert

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No, it is not interrupted

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Message 8 of 9

Re: Inability to cancel call divert

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Hi @Stiltsel I'm sorry to see you're unable to stop the call divert to your mobile. I'll send you a private message so you can get in touch with the moderation team and we'll be happy to help.



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Message 9 of 9

Re: Inability to cancel call divert

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The problem was evidently caused by my cancelling the call diversion using MY Account on the BT Web page, evidently leaving the system with no means of turning  off the call divert using my phone and still diverting the calls. 

The problem was solved by turning on Call Divert again using My Account on the web page and then setting up call divert again using the digital phone. Once this was set up and working again I was then able to use the digital phone to cancel the call divert. Thankfully this is now cancelled.

Very surprised though that BT were not able to give this advice over the telephone during the 2-3 hours I spent discussing the problem with them on separate occasions.

Thanks to Richie (Guru) for his advice.