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Message 1 of 19

Is this email genuinely from BT?



I've received an email entitled "Important information about your home phone service". It informs me that BT is moving our service over to Digital Voice.

Nowhere in the greeting or the text of the email is my name used. 
The account number is not my account number or anything like it.

Mouse-hover shows that the links all point to I haven't  clicked on anything.


How can I tell whether this  email is genuine or not? The BT site tells me what to do if I suspect phishing (forward the email and delete it) but doesn't give examples of phishing emails or show the texts of genuine messages they've sent me.


Thank you for any insights.

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Message 2 of 19

Re: Is this email genuinely from BT?

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 19

Re: Is this email genuinely from BT?

I've received a similar email.

Nowhere in the greeting or the text of the email is my name used.
The account number is not my account number or anything like it.

Likewise. I also see some unknown account number. I've not clicked any links.


However, if I log on to my actual MY_BT account, and then look at the "Track Your Order" section, there is a pending order recently raised which seems to cover the same topic as the email.


So I'd suggest  the email is misleading, contains false information, but also points to something real, so it might originate from BT.


What random-number algorithm they used to create a fictitious account number I can't begin to guess. Why they wouldn't just use the actual number is beyond me.

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Message 4 of 19

Re: Is this email genuinely from BT?

Hi Folks,

I've also received same email back on 13th and account no does not match mine. Have not clicked on any links etc, but now have received in post letter from BT on 19th and text of letter is exactly as email.

Also, as @Pete31- I logged into mybt account and found an open order created on 16th at 03.45 am relating to info (Broadband & Digital Voice) planned for Jan 25 which I’m not aware off. I’ve decided to wait and see if there will be any follow-up from BT or Openreach about this order change.

Cheers, Al

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Message 5 of 19

Re: Is this email genuinely from BT?

Thank you @Pete31 and @clique-al for your replies.

I have just logged into MY BT and looked at Track your order. It says:

Some internal error occurred.

Sorry at this time you are not able to view any orders on this account because there are no active orders. If you believe you should be able to view an order then please:

Leaving aside the grating English "Some internal error..." (why not "An internal error..."?), knowing that you both have found active orders which you weren't aware of, I am mystified.

When everyone else is urging us to take precautions when viewing emails, and companies generally include some identifying personal information, BT (if BT it really is) ought not to be sending emails which open with just "Hello" and have random account numbers.

We haven't had any letters in the post. 





0 Ratings
Message 6 of 19

Re: Is this email genuinely from BT?

Hey there @Jellicle.

Could you possibly let me know the email address that this email has come from so I can get this double checked? 

Also if you can share a screenshot of the email itself, making sure to mask any personal details too, that would be perfect.


0 Ratings
Message 7 of 19

Re: Is this email genuinely from BT?

Hello Peter

Thank you for your reply.

The address is 

The email is too long to display on my monitor as a whole so I'm posting it in bits. There is no personal information. This is not my account number nor anything like it




Do you need the rest of it? 🙂

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 19

Re: Is this email genuinely from BT?


You are best to double check via your mybt account or calling customer services.

FYI though as part of BT's customer migration to BT's Digital Voice service (as the traditional analogue phone service is closing) an email/Letter does go out to the customer letting them know they will soon be migrated and also if you are in a Openreach full fibre area will be moved to full fibre too.

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 19

Re: Is this email genuinely from BT?

Thanks for sharing that @Jellicle 

From what I can see this does look to be a genuine BT email, however, if your account number is not correct on the information I would suggest calling us directly when you can please.

One of our Guides can check over the details to make sure everything is accurate.


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Message 10 of 19

Re: Is this email genuinely from BT?

Thank you for your help @linzi and @jac_95 

I have just checked MY BT and it still says there are no active orders. The account number on the email is not ours. We have not had any letters in the post. Therefore I will take your advice and contact BT. I trust that if this is genuine, a BT  engineer  will make an appointment and not just turn up at the door.

Could I ask you, please, to pass on to whoever composes these communications that it would be good practice to include some information by which the customer can have confidence that the message is genuine  (address customer by name, part of postcode, correct account number not a random one, etc)?

Best wishes

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