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Message 1 of 2

Landline SMS won't send to a specific number


My landline SMS text service (which I have used for a number of years) has stopped sending texts to my main mobile phone (contract on O2). I have not changed the phone or the number at all. This mobile happily receives SMS from other mobiles. The landline will happily send SMS to other mobile phones with no problem, and will receive SMS from any mobile I have tested with (including the mobile that it is refusing to send to!).

There is no error message sent back. I have tried using *0# to force a delivery report, and have found (as the delivery report helpfully contains a message sequence number) that the 'failed' send does at least get to the SMS service centre as the message number increments as expected (i.e. I send SMS to a mobile that works, then to the mobile that fails,  then again to the mobile that works, and the delivery report message number 'jumps' by one for the working mobiles).

I've tried reregistering and reseting with SMS to 00000, this makes no difference. Either the BT landline service centre is not sending the text out to this one number in particular, or the O2 SMS service is rejecting it when it gets there for some reason. 

Any ideas how I can further diagnose this? I've run out of ideas short of calling BT or O2 (and as I'm not sure where the fault lies I don't know which one to call!). 







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Message 2 of 2

Re: Landline SMS won't send to a specific number

Just to update on this, looks like the problem lies with O2. I've found that if on the mobile in question I switch off WiFi, *and* drop down to a 3G connection the SMS messages start to be received just fine. My guess is that the O2 enhanced WiFi calling and/or 4G calling is somehow preventing SMS from the BT landline getting through (why other SMS texts from other sources are received with no problem at all I have no idea).

So now off to the O2 forum to see if I can get any ideas there...