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Message 1 of 3

Landline giving engaged tone after router replaced due to thunderstorm near lightning strike

Hi all, in a thunderstorm at the weekend, we and a number of our neighbours lost our landlines and internet. Our router stopped working presumably because of an electricity surge at the time due to a close lightning strike. We have now replaced the router and our broadband internet is now working again but the landline number is still not working . When I ring the number I don't get through and it is giving the same engaged tone when I press the button to call someone that it has ever since the thunderstorm. Our landline phone is one with Digital Voice. Our neighbours phones seem to be working again. I'd be grateful for any suggestions before I contact BT again about the problem.  

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Landline giving engaged tone after router replaced due to thunderstorm near lightning strike

Message 3 of 3

Re: Landline giving engaged tone after router replaced due to thunderstorm near lightning strike

Morning @cliff3 

Thanks for coming to the BT Community and letting us know about your landline. 

Has the links provided by @jac_95 helped get the landline resolved for you? 

If not and this is still happening, please get in touch with our technical support team who can run some troubleshooting and let you know what is needed 🙂

Let us know how you get on. 


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