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Message 11 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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Hi!  Thanks for the suggestion.  I've been looking to see whether that could be a solution, but the extension would have to go across a laminate floor (couldn't even hide it under a carpet!) to get to a suitable location where there is mains supply (for the charge station) as well.  But I'll have another thorough look!

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Message 12 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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You cud take the ext lead around, as opposed to across your laminate floor. Just a thought. I've got laminate and it works well doing it that way. Just a thought.
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Message 13 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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Thanks again ... it would be a long way round!

Just really annoying that the official piece of BT kit - the adapter - (which is specifically supposed to let Digital Voice do everything it's supposed to do) is not up to the job.  One of the big things that BT push about Digital Voice is that it has all the features included!  If it was a 'normal' purchase, I'd be returning the whole Digital Voice system to the supplier as unfit for purpose!

I'm hoping for a response from BT telling me they are aware of the issue and working on a solution ... rather than me having to devise ways to hide extension cables!

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Message 14 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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Another couple of options:

Buy an additional handset charger so that the base can be plugged into the SH2 without tying the handset there.

If there's a phone socket near the SH2 then utilise your existing wiring to patch into the SH2. Exactly how depends on whether or not you're on FTTP.

Message 15 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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the adapter appears to work for some and not for others so maybe problem is distance adapter from base or phone being used is a bit older

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Message 16 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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Some old phones require a voltage change prior to the CLI data burst being received, which is why BT say that phones over 10 years old, may not work properly. 

As the DECT link from the home hub to the DV has a slow response time, this change is probably not being sent, and the command to do that, may not even be implemented.


Message 17 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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Interesting I will check mine when I set it up next week 

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Message 18 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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Be interesting to hear of models of phone which do (reliably) work with CLI via the adapter.  Anyone know of a list somewhere?  Some reports from older threads suggested 'works sometimes' but not always.

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Message 19 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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Thanks for the suggestion of buying a 'spare' charge station.  Might be a solution for me ... if I can find one!

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Message 20 of 22

Re: Re / Digital Voice Adapter

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This the same problem I am having with using my very reliable Gigaset C300 phones on the BT supplied adapter. Phone works but caller recognition does not.  Endless calls to BT have resulted in claims that they have never come across the problem, a replacement adapter (this did not work any better) and finally they will supply with what I suspect will be inferior BT essential phones.  Even if they work this will result in a lot of work to transfer my phone book from the old phone to the new one.  I am currently looking to try to work out how to wire in my old sockets wiring into the router. BT refuse to send an engineer to do this (I'm fairly sure it is not too difficult)  Also considering a complaint to the ombudsman. The adapter is not fit for purpose and BT should take responsibility.

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