Message 1 of 7

Re: Digital Voice

I was supposed to have digital voice last Thursday. The Smart Hub 2 was despatched and received last Monday.  I had no confirmation that installation was to be Thursday so it did not happen and I have had no contact since. The situation is so chaotic.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Digital Voice


I have moved your post to this new thread, so you can get advice from forum members.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Digital Voice

Hey there @edbostan, with your switch to digital voice is it just this that is changing, or were you being upgraded to Full Fibre (FTTP) too?

Also was it specifically mentioned that an engineer was going to be coming to fit this, or was this just the confirmed switchover date?

If you aren't changing the way your broadband connection is supplied, then you should be okay to switch straight over to the new Hub then connect your phone to this either via WPS for a DV handset, or via the green phone port on a traditional handset.

Digital Voice: How do I set up my service? | BT Help


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Message 4 of 7

Re: Digital Voice

I have copper with the master socket in hall. From my understanding an engineer was to visit last Thursday so I presume a fibre connection was to be installed with the supplied Smart Hub 2 to replace my Hub 6 which lacks the phone socket.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Digital Voice

Apparently on MyBT , unknown to me, an order was placed in October. I attended a walk-in Digital Voice Clinic on November 21st which must have stirred the process. To be honest I would prefer it to be left until the new year. I only use the landline for incoming calls only so not a priority. Let sleeping dogs lie.

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Digital Voice

You only need an engineer appointment / visit if you are upgrading to FTTP , you don’t need an engineer for migration to DV  you just move the plug on your phone from the socket on the wall to the socket on your newly supplied router ,  obviously you can only be upgraded to FTTP if it is available, so is FTTP available  ?, you can check by entering your address here ,  if it says WBC FTTP available, it is , if it doesn’t , it isn’t , but if you post the entire results it can be interpreted.




If all you are getting is a migration to DV ( not FTTP ) and you don’t move your phone to the router , if my experience is anything to go by you get reminded by email to do this , if you are getting FTTP and there is a going to be a delay ( excavation is required from the footpath to your house wall for example ) then the initial date is just for Openreach to ascertain what’s required to provide FTTP and put that in place , the checker return will show ( if FTTP is available ) single stage or KCI2 assure , and will also indicate the potential issues , like partial DIG , congested duct , or if overhead line of sight issues , if it says no anticipated issues that normally will be a single stage installation, if it’s KCI2 ( two stage ) there is potentially extra work to do .

Message 7 of 7

Re: Digital Voice

Correct. Just spoken to an agent and he confirmed it is a self-install. I have fibre up to the cabinet. Thanks everyone for advice.

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